Chapter 22: Cost Of The Truth

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"About what?" Vic says with a frown on her face
"About why I wasn't here this morning. Follow me" I say walking into the training room

I shut the door and sit down on the sparring platform. I'm so anxious and afraid, I haven't felt this in such a long time. I'm starting to sweat, my breathing is rapid and shallow. I'm frightened... so god damn scared.

"K it's ok, talk to me" Vic says staring at me

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"I woke up early this morning and went to get a glass of water. Someone knocked on the door, so I answered it.. only for no one to be there" I say taking a breath

Keep fucking calm Kelly.

"A tall man dressed in black hit me from behind and knocked me out. I woke up a few hours later with a bag over my head and my hands in restraints" I say my voice getting more unsteady by the minute

God dammit keep your fucking cool. Your suppose to be a badass who can take down mercenaries while drunk.

"I heard footsteps of my kidnapper and broke myself free. When he came close I head butted him and knocked him out"
"I pulled off his mask. It was your father" I say voice small
"My father kidnapped you?" Vic says giving me a hug
"I'm not finished. I tied him up and put the bag over his head. He woke up and I got all information I needed" I say closing my eyes
"I killed him" I say quietly

Now... The last moment I have her as a friend.

"You.. killed him?" Vic says staring wide eyed
"I did and I am so sorry. I should never have done it, I know you'll hate me for it" I say tears falling down my cheeks
"I... I need time alone" Vic says sprinting out of the room

I knew it... I've lost her.

Kim comes into the training room a minute later.

"She looked upset. Wanna tell me what happened?" Kim says sitting down beside me
"I got kidnapped, the guy turned out to be her dad and I killed him" I say standing up fury rising in my chest
"Oh.. wow right" Kim says
"She hates me doesn't she?" I say and I punch the wall in anger making a hole and breaking my wrist alongside it
"Kelly... God dammit" Kim says taking my wrist and examining it
"It'll heal in a few hours. Doesn't matter" I mumble
"What matters is she hates me... She deserves to hate me" I say voice cracking
"No... she won't hate you. She just needs time alone to process what she feels" Kim says
"Are you sure? I just killed her dad. Dick or not, he's her father" I say
"She has.. I won't lie and say she'll run back you. It will be hard but, you two will get over it" Kim says giving me a hug
"I don't know if I would have killed him. There was a split second where I did want to" Kim says
"The rage I felt... it was all consuming" I say
"You were angry, you made a big mistake. Vic will come around Alright?" Kim says
"Yeah.. anything good happen at school?" I ask changing the subject to hopefully lighten the mood
"Actually, yeah... I accepted the scholarship" Kim says smiling
"That's brilliant, I am so happy for you" I say giving her a hug
"We should celebrate that one of us knows what to do with their future" I say smiling
"To be honest, a good movie with my 2 best friends sounds like the best celebration" Kim says getting up

I get up and head to the kitchen to get some popcorn and drinks. With a bandage and an ice pack for my wrist.

Kim's POV
I head upstairs to Vicki's room but it's empty. I frown and go into Kelly's. I see Vicki on the bed looking sad and eyes red.

"I heard what happened" I say sitting beside her
"I can't believe my father kidnapped her. I can't believe she killed him" Vicki says
"I know you want to be alone right now, but how does a movie sound?" I ask
"It sounds good" she says pausing before continuing
"Will Kelly be with us?" Vicki says
"Yeah um.. I wanted to celebrate accepting a scholarship to Stanford" I say
"You got a scholarship to Stanford??!" Vicki says excitedly
"I did, and I accepted it today so my futures set" I say smiling
"Of course we'll celebrate. I just might need a couple glasses of wine before I can talk to Kelly" Vicki says sighing
"She's devastated by the way" I say

Vicki looks at me in surprise.

"She's afraid she'll loose you, I could see it in her eyes" I continue on
"It's easy to forget she's lost so much. She saw her family die before her eyes and she survives only to move to a totally new town and state. She's constantly looking behind her back to see if the government are following" I say

Vicki nods before saying
"She's lost so much hasn't she?"
"She's afraid she'll loose you too. From the look in her eyes, that would destroy her" I say truthfully
"I know your angry at her right now... I also know you will forgive her" I say looking into her eyes
"I know you will because I know you like her, maybe even love" I say gaging her reaction
"No.. I'm not.." Vicki says looking astonished
"You mightn't of figured it out, I see how she can make you smile, by just walking into a room"
"I know you for 14 years, do you really think I don't know enough to know when you like someone?" I say

Vicki still looks gobsmacked.

"Look, come down and watch a movie. Just get your mind off things for a while and it'll put Kelly at ease" I say
"Yeah... ok" Vicki says

Kelly's POV

Where the hell is Kim? I'm sitting on the couch, snacks laid out and movie ready to go. Then I see Kim walk into the room sit on the couch.

"Where were.." I say before trailing off

Vicki walks in and sits beside Kim. I was not expecting that. I hand her the bowl of popcorn and she looks at me and gives a small smile. We begin to watch the movie a flicker of hope that she might not hate me after all.

She eyes my wrist throughout the movie but doesn't question it.

Kim's POV
"Oh please, you looked at her like a puppy at a bone, when she handed you the popcorn" I whisper to Vicki careful that Kelly is really close

Vicki blushes and begins to vehemently deny it and I roll my eyes my face screaming bullshit.

Meanwhile I take a look at Kelly who has noticeably brightened up since Vicki walked into the room. Perhaps this likeness isn't as one sided as I previously thought.

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