Chapter 6: The Truth Please

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I click my fingers and breath slowly focusing on harnessing the power. I enter slow time where the world looks like it's frozen. I focus for as long as I can pushing myself so I increase my endurance. I do this several times until I am sweating heavily and practically gasping for air.

I learned early on this is one way to get yourself tired.

I collapse onto sparring platform and drain the rest of the several bottles of water.. I sit down until my breathing even out after a few minutes. Of course I'm hungry again, perks of powers literally eating up my energy so I go to the kitchen before remembering Al will probably need to eat too.

I walk down the hall into the lab where Al is tinkering on her one of her projects. I knock even though she probably knows I'm already outside.

She raises her head slightly and says
"Come in"
"Al you want me to get you something to eat since you probably haven't ate since breakfast" I say
"Yeah, please Kel and come back here, you need a update and we need to talk about our next moves before your friends come over" Al says

I nod my stomach churning at the fact the truth will be revealed to them in a short time and the fact I might lose them for lying makes my stomach flip. I go to the kitchen and prepare a salad sandwich for Al and several chicken rolls for myself. I walk back into the lab and hand Al her sandwich.

"Thanks Kel," Al says taking a bite
"So, where's William?" I ask
"Truthfully? He's dead" Al says "he was a threat to your exposure, I couldn't risk him going back to this Dr Adamson. Don't worry a contact of mine will dispose of him appropriately" Al says tone very agent-like.

I'm not really surprised at this information, Al had killed plenty before with her time in BSF (Black Special Forces).

"Anymore information?" I ask
"No. His employer is smart obviously, but I also know he wasn't sent by government" Al says
"If the government ever did find you, they would send their top BSF agent after you not some guy who can barely fight" Al explains

I nod agreeing with her conclusion fully.

"So, only one question remains. Who really is after me?" I say
"I don't know and that scares me" Al says voice cracking slightly but she quickly regains composure
"We better do some research on this supposed Dr Adamson right?" I say
"I'll reach out to contacts of mine and see what I can dig up" Al says finishing her sandwich
"I've been working on making some little gadgets. You will face the government sooner or later and they are well equipped. Also the person who knows about you must have some sort of plan and weapons to take us down" Al explains
"For now, I'll keep working while you relax for the night. You had your first encounter with a hostile enemy and I know how hard it can be. You need to just relax and unwind" Al says giving me a hug.
"That I can do" I say smiling

I begin to walk out of the room only to be stopped by Al's voice.

"Kel before you go just know you did very well today. Your parents would be proud of the person you have become" Al says smiling

I nod and go out of the room smiling taking a quick shower and throwing on pajamas and my cuddly socks... Don't judge me...

I collapse onto the couch weary from the day I've had. I scroll through Netflix deciding what movie to watch when a knock on the door happens.

I quickly get up quietly moving towards the door. I pick up Al's pistol which is on a table beside the door for emergencies. I open the door only to see the distressed faces of Kim and Vicki. I sigh a breath of relief and put the gun back while Kim and Vic look wide eyed.

"You got a gun to answer the door?" Vic asks
"Been a rather eventful day so far" I say inviting them to sit down at kitchen counter.

They both sit down looking confused with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Want a drink?" I ask
"Anything stronger than water" Kim says sitting into the chair and Vic nods agreeing.

I nod filling two glasses of strong wine Al has for a particularly rough day. I fill a glass of whiskey for myself and sit down giving them their glasses.

Al walks into the room and pours herself a glass of wine and sits down.

"I believe I have a part to play in this explanation" Al says calmly
"Right, so I'll answer any questions you have" I say taking a gulp of whiskey bracing for what's about to come
"I think first one will be why did a guy try to kill you at school today?" Kim says her tone curious and questioning
I take a deep breath before saying "My real name is Kelly Ferreira, and I am wanted by the government. That guy that tried to kill me wasn't sent by the government but, someone else who we don't know yet"
"Wanted.. by government.. For what exactly?" Vic says curiously.
"I am the daughter of a scientist who was very famous as you can recognize by the last name. He worked for the government for various projects of which I have no information. He was experimenting on this special rock but, his labs were blown up my parents died" I say voice steady
"I however survived despite being in explosion and now the government want me to experiment on me" I explain taking a breath
"I am Allie Flint, I am wanted by the government also, I worked with a special branch of the government called Black Special Forces. I was an agent there. I went on missions and also worked in the labs with Kelly's father. I however left upon stumbling through their archives and finding files that showed experiments done on several subjects and other disturbing information" Al finishes

They are speechless and absorb this information for several minutes.

"K I saw you go from one side of the room to the other in the blink an eye, tell me what I saw wasn't just my crazy brain" Vic says
"My DNA was altered prior to the explosion. When the lab exploded I developed certain abilities" I say hesitantly
"Abilities... what kind?" Kim asks
"I have power of temporal deceleration, cellular regeneration, super-genius level intellect" I say waiting for their reaction.
"In English... please" Kim asks groaning
"I can slow down time, heal quickly and I am very smart basically" I say
"Alright well, I think that's enough to absorb for one day. Your both welcome to stay the night if you would like" Al says
"Yeah actually that'd be nice" they both say still absorbing the information and draining their glasses.
"Anyone want another?" I say filling mine back up I grin as I see them both nod

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