Chapter 19: Where It All Goes Tits Up

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Meanwhile in a off-grid lab

Adamson places his pieces of rock on the desk. He sits down looking at the rock with happiness on his face. The door opens and Robert walks into the dark lab.

"You've exceeded expectations Robert" Adamson says standing up
"However, I need Kelly now since I have the rock" Adamson continues
"So you want her taken now?" Robert asks matter of factly
"Yes, make sure she's alone and try to have her far away from Flint" Adamson says saying Flint with a bitter tone
"Of course sir, it'll be done" Robert says his hand running through his black, spiked hair
"Oh and bring me the man who found us the rock and dug it up would you?" Adamson says gazing at the rock with crazed eyes

Robert drags the man in and rips the duct tape from his mouth kicking him to the floor. The man is bloody and beaten. He's got wide eyes with fear in them.

"Please.." the man pleads

Adamson aims his pistol and shoots showing no emotion.

"Loose ends are a hazardous thing. I always tie mine up" Adamson says putting the gun back on his hip

"Get Andy to deal with this mess please. I have things to do" Adamson says gazing at the rock

"My beauty, where shall we begin?" Adamson says a wicked smile on his face

For years he's searched. For years he's planned and right now, he's almost done it. Finally he had not one, but three pieces of the rock. All he needs is Allie and Kelly.

Adamson's POV

I park my car at a lab I knew very well. Instead of it... I am greeted with blackened ruins. A body who I'm guessing is James is charred and blackened beyond recognition but there's only one body which is odd.

"They got to James first.. them bastards" I mutter looking at the blackened ruins of his lab
"GOD DAMMIT" I shout kicking the charred ruins and kneel on the ground

I suddenly see a long, blonde hair on the ground.. James wasn't the only one here...Flint... There's no other body here meaning... Flint was here just before me..

Kelly hasn't been seen, otherwise I would've known by now.. She's the only way I get my revenge. I need to find her.

Who would take care of Kelly if her mother and father were to die? Flint....

I need to find Flint and Kelly.

Flashback Ends

Allie's POV

I'm irritated. Fucking weeks since this started and I have barely anything on this Adamson. I need to find him before Kelly gets hurt. My phone keeps ringing which is very annoying seeing as I am so very close to a breakthrough.

I get the phone and answer quickly. My irritation is even worse now.

"What?" I snap
"I've been tracking the radiation coming from those rocks you found in the vault. Some was in Seamont and now.. Its been mined" Penny says distress in her voice
"Location?" I say thinking how this was bad and now so much worse

What did this guy want with this rock? How does he know about it? Who the fuck is this guy?

"It's... underground. I'll text you the co-ordinates" Penny says clearly just as stressed as she is.

I hang up and quickly process what I heard. Oh shit on a stick. The power of those rocks... if harnessed could be... incomprehensible..

I decide to check out the location just in case there's any evidence or clues to my questions.

I drive to the museum which has been closed off. That never happens, so something went down here. I pick the lock and the door opens inside the museum. I make my way through careful to avoid alarms.

I find a door that's locked which is the exact location where this rock was. So, naturally I decide to pick the lock of the door finding a dark tunnel.

Probably not wise to go down. However... fuck it... I go down the tunnel making no noise at all. I shine the flashlight on my gun. There I see... a hole where I presume it was. Fuck.

Kelly's POV
(The next morning)

It's still kinda dark outside, Al hasn't even woken up yet, that's how early it is. I'm downstairs having a glass of water and about to head back upstairs when I hear a knock. Of course my training kicks in immediately and I feel a hint of fear.

I crouch stealthily making my way to the door. I open the door gun at the ready but, no one is there. It's very suspicious and just when I turn around a black hooded man hits me on the head. I curse myself for being so unaware right before he knocks me out.

I wake up with a bag around my head and with a pretty shitty headache. The place smells like skunk spray mixed with lies and deceit... Wow was James here?

I hear my kidnapper shuffle around clearly waiting for someone. He doesn't think I'm awake yet so I stay very still. I'm determined keep this advantage I have. My hands are tied but not for long.... This guy clearly underestimated me. Thank you Al for years of training.

My hands are free but I wait until he comes close. I smash his head into my knee as hard as I can and he's out cold. I take off this ridiculous bag quickly surveying my surroundings. I laugh..hard because what kind of criminal picks an abandoned warehouse, could he have gotten anymore predictable?

Doesn't really help my headache if I'm being honest.

"Hope this guy likes prison food" I mutter to myself looking at his lifeless body. I poke him with my feet just to make sure he's not conscious.

My curiosity peaks and I take off his mask before I think. I feel shock before it fades into purest form of rage.

"Oh... My... Vic..." is what I think when I see his face.

Black spiked hair, just how I remember. I'm gonna kill him.

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