Chapter 12: Troubling Times

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I open my droopy eyes to morning rays of light shining through my window. I hear snores coming from beside me and I see Vic stretched like a starfish her face buried in the pillow. Her black hair covering her head and splayed everywhere in a unruly fashion. I remember my dream from last night and a shiver goes down my spine, I would rather take the lab explosion dream ten times over.

I get up despite wanting to stay in bed. Flashes of the dream go through my mind and anger surges inside of me. I shake Vic careful not to hurt her and whisper

"Come on, we've got school" I say my voice croaked
"Ugh fine getting up" Vic says voice muffled in the pillow

I go down the stairs to see Kim already there chatting with Al about god knows what. I take my usual stack of pancakes and look at Kim's bowl of fruit in disgust.

"Don't know how your not bored of that by now, or how your heart hasn't stopped" says Kim pointing at my drenched pancakes in syrup.
"What's with the sports bag? We don't have gym today?" I say pointing at the bag
"Yeah but, I have a soccer match" Kim says

Vic comes down the stairs looking tired and zombie-like. It's adorable seeing her rub her eyes and vulnerable. She pours a bowl of cereal and starts to dig in.

"Ready for some training girls?" Al says grinning
"Oh fuck sakes I forgot about that" Kim says
"Ah shit" Vic says grimacing
"Al can I talk with you?" I say nervously
"You said you would so get to the room start warming up. Kel sure" Al says walking down the hall and into her lab room

"About the video.." I say
"Look, he did awful things and we're paying for it and I shouldn't of defended him" Al says
"I shouldn't of reacted like that" I say shame in my voice
"You have every right to be angry, and maybe you could've reacted a little less dramatically" Al says
"We were both wrong how's that?" I say
"Yeah, we both could've done better" Al says "Now, I reached out to a colleague about this Adamson. He doesn't exist Kelly" Al says
"But, William... I was convinced he was telling the truth" I say surprised
"I believe he was too. Which only leaves the conclusion this Adamson is good at covering his tracks" Al says tiredly
"Bollocks" I say tiredly
"Indeed. I'll keep working on it, meanwhile, I have your friends asses to kick so excuse me" Al says grinning walking towards the training room.

I sigh frankly fed up of chasing after this bastard. I make a mental reminder to go out for the night to get my mind off this whole debacle and head to the training room.

I see Vic and Kim on the floor panting Al standing over them.
"God how is she such a badass?" Kim says getting onto her feet
"No idea" Vic says attempting a jab which is easily blocked by Al.

I look at the array of weapons deciding on firearms. I take a Glock 19 pistol and take several shots at a target. I hit all the spots I was aiming for and feel proud.

"You know, you had a brilliant teacher" Al says behind me
"I certainly did, up for a round of sparring? Give those poor souls a break you know" I say laughing at Vic and Kim laid on the floor groaning
"I never could back down from a challenge" Al says handing me a metal pole "I won't be going easy this time" she says smirking

We trade blow for blows for several minutes both of us now sweating buckets.
"Were you holding back all these years?" I ask panting blocking her strike
"Yes but now it's time you train me at full force" she pants going for a low strike

I roll backward raising my pole barely in time to block her strike. I step backwards until I hit the wall blocking another deadly strike.

I strike but she ducks just in time. I pursue striking again but Al catches my shoulder and flips me onto the floor. Al smirks looking way too proud of herself and I sweep her feet from under her.

We both burst out laughing and stay on the floor for a minute to catch our breaths.

"I guess it's time you guys head to school. Don't think I forgot" Al says getting up and walking out.
"And I thought your aunt was going at her hardest on us" Kim mutters helping me up.
"She's been fighting for 22 years, I should've known she wasn't going at her full at me" I say
"22 years??!" Kim exclaims
"Mhmm recruited at 16" I say
"We better start getting ready for school" Vic says smiling
"How do you like school so much?" Kim mutters under her breath

We walk into school for the first time in a couple of days and everything seems to be back to normal.
"You know having those days off was great besides the whole killy kily situation" I say to Vic and Kim
"Mhm I wholeheartedly agree" Kim says
"You guys up for a few drinks tonight?" I ask
"Oh hell yes! I haven't been out in ages" Kim says
"Sure, I could use a girls night too" Vic says walking into first class of the morning.

3 hours later on the school pitch

"Go Kim!" me and Vic shout as the soccer team runs onto the pitch
"I'll go and get some food since I know you'll eat it all" Vic says laughing
"Very true" I say smiling gazing at her retreating form wondering what's going on with me.

Vicki's POV

I walk down and wait to get snacks. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around curious to who it could be. A tall man with brown eyes just like mine and spiked black hair stares back at me. He fidgets slightly with his hands his head ducks before looking me straight in the eye.

"Hello Vicki. It's been a while" he says

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