Chapter 23: Ready For It?

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Allie's POV
I'm afraid to wait any longer to be honest. I stare at the address where the rock is. It's time to end this today. It's early morning and I've been awake a while now. I decide to call Penny for updates.

"Any changes on rocks location?" I ask
"None, Allie I think you should move on this soon. That rock in the wrong hands is dangerous" Penny says
"It's time. Thanks for all your help" I say before hanging up.

Kelly's POV
Father is humming anyway in his lab.

"This is called Ferrerium it's incredibly rare Kelly" my father says handing me the rock
"It's the next step into our future, and many bad people want it to create things" my father continues
"Any pieces I have will be yours" my father says

A man I recognize walks into the room.

"James, what did you do?" the man says
"Robin, buddy..." my father says
"No. I am no longer your "Robin". You claimed credit for my achievements! Like being the golden boy wasn't enough" the man shouts before exiting angrily

My father sighs and walks back over to me with another needle. This time however it's bright green.

"Sit still" my father stern voice says

My fathers strong arms hold me in place as I try to wiggle out.

"Stop moving" my fathers voice says annoyed and sticks the needle in

I start crying because it burns all over. My father leaves me to cry and goes back to his work, face blank and his happiness drained.

My vision fades slowly and suddenly I'm awake and in my own room. Vicki isn't here and ever since she came I hadn't any nightmares. I sit upright and begin to cry not because of my dad because I miss her even though she's literally across from me.

I sit on by the window sill wrapped up in my thoughts. After this is done what will I do with my life? If she never forgives me, that it will be the thing that will destroy me.

I decide it's not worth going back to sleep and go downstairs. I open up Al's lab door to see her working yet again.

"Al have you even slept?"
"I did don't worry, I just woke up a little earlier. We need to attack where the rock is today" Al says
"Ferrerium" I say and she looks at me with a crease in her brows
"The rock, it's called Ferrerium" I explain
"Another dream, more revealed" I mutter tiredly to myself
"You haven't been having them lately though" Al says in confusion

I look at her with surprise.

"Oh please I'm a trained agent. I know you wake up every night for past 14 years with nightmares and I also know when Vicki stayed with you. They stopped" Al says looking at me
"I told her about killing her dad. She hates me
Al" I say
"Trust me that girl can not hate you, a bit angry maybe. She'll come around" Al says
"I believe we need breakfast, if we're taking Adamson down, we'll need all our energy" Al says walking to kitchen

Al making breakfast while I wake Kim & Vic up.

"Morning guys" I say
"Morning" they both say

I hand them breakfast and we dig in, eating in a awkward silence before Al speaks up.

"Today me and Kelly are going to confronts Adamson" Al says
"You are both staying here. We both have years of fighting you two only a couple of days. For your own safety stay here" Al says
"But.." Kim protests
"Nope. Your staying, do you want to be tied up?" Al says crossing her arms staring at Kim her eyes challenging
"No.." Kim grumbles

Vic remains silent and I look at her feeling the need to talk but, she needs time.

Me and Al wordlessly go into the lab after breakfast.

"This'll be over soon" she says reassuringly
"I re-created the suits we had at the agency. They're flexible so fighting in them is easy enough, and also offer light protection against knives. Sadly bullets can still go through in some spots, I hadn't the money to fix it, by the time we got your fathers it was too late" she explains pointing out the fatal spots

However they'll have to do" Al says handing me the black suit
"I've your trusty knives here, there's several spots in your suit which are easily accessed and are hidden" Al explains
"These boots offer protection against falling from heights and they're not heavy so you can move quickly in them" Al says
"Here's some other stuff like rope and a few grenades in case it goes tits up" Al says

"Hopefully we won't need it" I say

I take them and put them on top of the suit in my hands.

"Cool" I say eyeing up the suit
"Lastly, your AK47 and pistol" Al says handing me a pistol and the AK47
"Get dressed. We're leaving soon" Al says her tone turning to Agent Flint

I get dressed putting on the suit and belt and boots quickly before concealing my knives. I lastly put pistol gun on the holster on my hip and AK47 on the back and I'm ready to go. The suit is light and flexible, despite it not being bulletproof I like it. Could use improvements.

I walk into the lab where Al is suited like me pouring over little information she has.

"Right, apparently this place where this rock is is just wilderness. I however believe Adamson set himself up here off grid. It seems like the perfect spot" Al says pointing at the map
"We'll take your bike and assess situation once we arrive" Al says
"Yeah that's a good idea" I say

I get the keys to my bike and we walk into the kitchen where Kim & Vic are on the couch watching TV.

"Well don't you look..." Vic says looking at me
"Again word she means is hot" Kim says with a smirk
"We're going to confront Adamson. We'll call if we get out safely if we don't call my fathers money is in the lab. Use it to get out of the country and away from Adamson. Or whatever you want" I say
"We won't need to" Kim says
"You might need to" I say firmly
"Promise me you'll both do that" I say
"I promise" they both say and I sigh with relief
"Stay here" Al commands and we walk out the door.. Perhaps for the last time. Hopefully not.

I get into my bike and put on my helmet. I take a quick breath preparing myself for what's about to come.
"You Ready Kel?" Al asks
"Born ready" I say my voice steady and I turn my engine on.

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