Chapter 4: Math & A Murdeous Man

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"I swear you are always late" says Kim chastisingly running her hand through her long black hair looking a bit distressed
"It's not late when the bell literally rings as my foot is in the door" I reply
"Math first" Vic says squealing in delight

How is that girl so excited for maths especially with Smith?

"I'd take a giant spider trying to rip my intestines out rather than math first thing in the morning" I grumble
"You say that Kelly, and yet your top of the class, even ahead of all study no play Vicki over here" Kim says laughing at Vic's face when she looks offended
"I do play!" Vic says insistingly
"Play.. in what way exactly" I say grinning and raising an eyebrow
"God your insufferable" Vic says poking my side
"I do have fun!" Vic says insists again her green eyes staring into my blue ones. Her short brown hair shines as the sunlight hits it.
"When was the last time you actually went to a party or even just went out" I ask "Besides the cinema with either of us" I continue
".... Alright maybe I am a little bit of a nerd" Vic says "You are too though K" she says pointing a finger at me and I just laugh.

We all walk into class and take our seats at the back with myself in the middle. I see Vic take out her color coded notepad and her pens from her adorably nerdy bag.

"Color coded notepad and you say I am the nerd" I whisper and I grin at her reaction.

Before she can retort Mr. Smith walks in with several sheets in his hands and same monotone voice.

"Class, this is your test, you have all the time in class to do it. I expect no cheating" he drawls on

He puts a hand through his greasy, long, brown hair. He was a teacher I wasn't particularly fond of seeing as he had the personality of a blank wall. He walks around and hands out the tests before eventually retreating to his desk to scan the classroom like someone was going to jump in at any moment. How are people even a small bit alert in his class?

Everyone else starts writing, only the scratch of pencils on paper to be heard. I fiddle with my pen staring at my teacher hoping to irritate him a little.... After all he irritates me more.. Time to even the score.

"Lorino, start writing" he barks sending an irritated glance in my direction

"Woof, woof" Kim writes on a piece of paper
I try to contain my laughter and Mr. Smith stares daggers at me. I decide I should start even though this test is not even a hint of a challenge.

I look at the questions and quickly write the answers and show workings. Each problem has puzzle pieces and every time I look at them they fall into place. I am finished not 10 minutes later and proceed to stare around the room and click my pen just to irritate my teacher. My friends are still writing so until then I have nothing to do.

The class passes slowly and I pass the time by thinking of all the ways I could beat an opponent up. If my opponent has my teachers face it was merely coincidental.

Suddenly I turn around sensing danger. A person covered in head to toe black jump through the window shattering the glass. The person instantly spots me and run to get to me.

"Well Smithy boy wasn't wrong" I mutter to myself getting into a defensive stance

There was screams and everyone tries to get out of the room.

"Kim, pull the fire alarm now" I say calmly
"Why.." she says before I interrupt her
"Just do it" I say sternly

Kim pulls the fire alarm and the room begins to filter out leaving me and my friends. The man comes close and I grab my knife I hid up my sleeve and throw expertly hitting his leg barely missing his femoral artery.

"Leave now, I will explain later" I say to my dumbfounded friends.

I begin to slow down time clicking my fingers so I can get closer to the man without him noticing. I speed up time again clicking my fingers to resume time. My attacker blinks confused by my sudden movement.

"What.." Kim says looking at where I was to
where I am now.
Vic is speechless, mouth agape barely comprehending what she is seeing.

"Do you both trust me?" I say calmly

They nod probably too scared to speak.

"Then go" I continue firmly.

My friends leave the room and I turn my attention back to this person who decided to ruin my day. The knife in his leg is slowing him down. He stumbles towards me a desperate look in his eyes.

"He is a persistent one" I think to myself.

I send a right hook. He barely dodged it. I sense his dodge and spin. I send a powerful elbow just above his chin. He gasps for breath and stumbles back onto the floor. I take advantage and retrieve my knife from my boot. I hold it to his neck as close as I can without cutting it. His leg is bleeding quite heavily and he sits gasping on the floor with my knife against his neck.

"Who sent you?" I ask pulling off his mask seeing a unfamiliar face
"I wasn't sent by anyone" he says unconvincingly grimacing as he tries to move his leg.

I twist the blade in his leg making him howl in pain. I don't pull it out because he'll bleed more and he might still be useful yet.

"Idiotic and unskilled you sure you weren't sent by the government?" I ask grinning
"I wasn't sent by them I swear!" He exclaims and I shove the knife a little deeper to his throat
"You seem to be telling the truth.. Who sent you then?" I ask curiously the knife now cutting a little skin on his throat.
He howls in pain before saying " Dr.... Dr... Arthur... Adamson" he gasps he tries to take out the knife out of his leg

I grab his hand before he can and twist his wrist effectively breaking it. He screams in pain.

"Don't touch that knife" I say firmly

I look at him carefully and it seems he is telling the truth from his body language.

"So, your his lapdog?" I ask in a bored tone
"He.... " the man stutters out.

I contemplate for the moment my options. I cannot let this man go he knows too much about me, yet I cannot kill him, he might have useful information. Al would be good at leeching that out.

"Get up, we're leaving" I say firmly pulling him to the floor and he leans heavily on me

I still have a knife to his throat as I walk into the now desolate halls of my school dragging this guy along with me. I walk into the parking lot and unlock Al's car.

I throw him into the car and he grimaces in pain.

"Safety first" I say with a grin as I put on his seatbelt and he gives me a irritated stare

I get into the drivers seat. I start the engine, one hand on the wheel the other on my trusty knife. I drive home where I know Al will know what to do.

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