Chapter 10: Spoils Of Sin

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Kelly's POV

I wake up just before sunrise. I get out of my bed wondering how I got there. I rub my eyes and walk downstairs to kitchen the smell of pancake luring me down like a mouse to cheese.

Al is just finishing up making pancakes when I get down.
"Your a little earlier than usual, sleep well?" Al asks
"Like a log, I was tired yesterday" I say yawning
"I better shout at the other 2 to get up" Al says grinning wickedly
"What? Why?" I ask curiously
"They agreed to train with me" Al says smirking
"Oh.. they're absolutely fucked" I say
"They most certainly are, but there is nothing more fun than training rookies, mind joining us?" Al says grinning
"Of course, I can't miss this chance!" I say laughing
"Wait here I'll get these lazy friends of yours up" says Al

Al heads down the hallway and comes back a few minutes later with my friends looking like zombies rubbing at their eyes.

"It's too early to function" says Kim
"I agree" says Vic tiredly looking adorable
"Good news is you got pancakes" Al says giving them a plate each

I pour half a bottle of syrup on my mountain of pancakes.

"How are your teeth still functional?" says Vic gaping
"You are never going to finish that" laughs Kim
"Watch me " I say grinning

I slow down time with a click of my fingers and eat the pancakes. I click back and they stare at my empty plate.

"Kel did you just use your powers to show off?" Al asks with a glint if amusement in her eyes
"Yep" I say grinning at their shocked faces
"Girls eat up training in 10" says Al

Kim & Vic quickly finish eating their pancakes meanwhile I head upstairs and get them training clothes.

"Here ye can borrow my spare training clothes" I say tossing the clothes at them.

"Meet us in the training room, Kel wanna go for a round or two with me to warm up?" asks Al

"Sure, don't worry I will make the take down quick" I say grinning

"We'll see, I'm not taking it easy on you" Al says grinning back

I throw Al a sparring pole which she easily catches.

I swing my pole but, Al easily blocks and kicks me in the ribs. I strike but, she easily dodges again. She swings low but, I jump over her pole. I throw a right hook landing on her head. She strikes hard and I roll away just in time. She swings again but I block the pole with ease. Al turns sweeping my feet from under me. She strikes the pole down hard but I roll away getting on my feet quickly. We circle each other for a moment before I go on offensive striking but Al meets each strike with ease. I spin so I am close and elbow her in the face. She stumbles back but recovers quickly. I kick her in the ribs and strike but she quickly recovers and just about dodges it. She tries to punch but, I grab her arm and spin in the sparring pole at her neck.

"I see the student has become the master" Al says panting heavily
"Or I am getting old" she continues smiling
"Just a tip for you though, be more aware if you are fighting multiple opponents" Al says
"I'll take that advice, round 2?" I ask tossing away our poles.
"How could I say no?" Al says

Al kicks me landing on my chin. I swing but she ducks punching me in the ribs. She hits me with a powerful right hook hitting me in the face. I stumble but recover and retaliate by landing a 540 kick on her head. She jabs me in the throat and knees me in the stomach. I backflip away as, she tries to sweep my feet from under me. I perform a turning kick almost landing on her ribs but, she blocks it. I do a 360 kick and it lands on her head. I go in for a left hook but she dodges and rolls away. I dodge to the right when she tries a left hook. I roll away and choke her from behind. I release quickly knowing the sparring is done.

"I may have gone easy on you" Al whispers to me before looking towards the door where Vic and Kim are standing slack jawed. If I am not mistaken Vic is staring at me
"Little Kel I'm just getting started" Al says grinning

I roll my eyes at Al's antics and pick up the sparring poles that were discarded to corner and put onto a table.

I practice with my knives for the rest of the sparring session passing quickly. While Al trains Kim and Vic easily taking them both on.

Two hours later
"You guys ready to go to Arizona? It's a long drive" Al says
"Yeah I'm ready" says Kim getting into the car wincing as she sits down
"Vic you ready?" I ask
"Yep" she says
"Your Aunt really is a badass" Kim groans from training earlier. Vic's in a similar state but, she doesn't show it as easily.

Al starts the car and we begin the long drive to Arizona.

10 hours later
"I know you said a long drive but, damn that was longer than my lifespan" I say yawning getting out of the car.

We all get out of the car and walk up to supposedly my d.. James's childhood home. Al takes out a key and opens the door keeping a careful eye out for people watching.

It's dusty, old and hasn't been lived in for years. No sign that anyone has been here recently.

"I've an idea where the vault is, follow me" Al says
"How do you know the house so well?" I ask Al curiosity in my voice.
"I was a good friend of your dad's" she says and I flinch at her use of dad.
"Good friend of James's" she corrects herself upon seeing me flinch.
"He met your mother through me. We went to same college and later worked at same government organization" Al explains fondness in her voice.

She makes her way down to a old cellar. Cobwebs are everything and it's dark and gloomy. Al takes out her pistol and lights the torch on it. A silver vault door shines in the light. Al approaches it and studies it carefully.

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