Chapter 8: Sins Of Thy Father

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"Al, what's is this" I ask looking at the video tape in my hand
"James, your father, promised me not to give it until you reached 18. I was tempted to give it to you, but, I didn't until now" Al says nervously
"Right..." I say putting in the tape.

I go up and pour a glass of whiskey. Knowing I'll need it and perhaps the bottle, I put the glass aside and take the bottle instead.

"Get me one too, I might need it" says Al
"Alright" I say plopping onto the couch and giving Al her glass and I take a gulp from the bottle.

I press play and wait for it to come on. My father's face appears on the screen, he's nervous and his hands are fidgety and Al takes my hand knowing I'm nervous too.

"I imagine you have questions. Which I will answer to the best of my ability" he says voice steady yet filled with nerves
"I know, in a matter of hours I will die" he says firmly before pausing
"How does he?" Al says shocked and confused
"I know the government want me dead because I know too much. Too much of their horrible experiments and weapons. Many of which I have helped create" he says no remorse in his voice
"In a matter of hours I will die in a "accidental" lab explosion. If your watching this Kelly it means my plan worked and your safe along with your mother" he says smiling
I grip Al's hand as hard as I can and I begin to cry.
"They will chase you and hunt you, Allie should be with you to protect both of you if they find you" he continues
"I done things.... You might hate me for, but, I wouldn't change it ... I don't deserve forgiveness for it. I helped the government believing I was changing the world at first. I knew in my heart it was wrong, yet I done it for the glory and greed" he continues tears pouring down his cheeks his blue eyes even more blue.
"You will hate me even more for this Kelly but, you need to know" he says voice shaking before saying "I altered your DNA giving you dolphin and lizard DNA, you might already know but, you needed to know from me" he says
"All the information I have and all the money I made is at a vault in Glassrock, Arizona in my childhood home. Use this to get out of the mess I created. I love you." he says crying and then the video shuts off.

We sit in silence gripping onto each other crying for several minutes.

"He... experimented.. on me. HIS OWN DAUGHTER! USED ME AS HIS LAB RAT!"
I scream before throwing the now quarter full bottle of whiskey at the wall.
"Kel, come here" Al says softly and worriedly
"No. No. No. You are not gonna defend him. He used me. He CREATED me into a WEAPON the government want"
"Just listen ok?" Al says getting up from the couch
"No. I will not. He has no right to call himself my father. He KNEW what he was doing. No remorse nothing. He has left US to pay for his wrongdoings, you have been more of a father he has EVER been" I shout seething with anger
"He didn't know you'd gain abilities or be caught in the explosion" Al says looking right into my eyes
"He lost the right to call himself my father. He is nothing to me anymore" I say coldly before walking to the training room.

Kim and Vic run down the stairs after having heard the commotion downstairs.

"What's wrong with her?" asks Vic worriedly
"She found out some new information which upset her. It's not my place to tell." Al says sighing

I enter the training room filled with rage. I punch at the dummy as hard as I can. Al follows me in and stands near the door.

"I heard the commotion, do you wanna talk about it?" says a voice that isn't Al's.

I turn to see Vic standing near the door with a worried look on her face. I stop punching the anger suddenly gone and sit on the sparring platform. Vic comes over and kneels in front of me looking me in the eyes her brown meeting my blue my walls crumbling.

"My father... he knew what was going to happen... He.. He.." I say before crying and I can't seem to stop

Vic envelopes me in a hug and I just let it all out. It's been brewing and the dam has broken. After a few minutes I stop crying and feel ready to speak again.

"He was the one who experimented on me, he lied and deceived me" I say tears rolling down my face

Vic wipes away my tears and takes a moment before speaking.

"I won't tell you what to feel, just know I'm here to help. We can make the shitty dad's club" Vic says smiling wiping the tears from my eyes.

I can't help but, smile and I hug Vic.

"Thank you, for being a great friend" I say truthfully

We sit for a moment in silence before I ask
"Where's Kim and Al?"
"Don't worry Kim is gone out to get your favorite pizza and Al is in her lab. She won't bother you until your ready to talk" says Vic
"How does your favorite movie and pizza sound?" asks Vic
"Like heaven as long as there's another bottle of whiskey" I say and Vic laughs.

I feel a smile creeping onto my face and somehow I feel better after talking to Vic.

She gets up and offers me a hand which I gratefully accept. We walk in content silence to kitchen her arms wrapped around me for support since I'm a little uncoordinated from the alcohol.

"Can I ask what happened to your dad?" I ask before realizing my mistake.
"Forget it, I didn't mean to pry" I say quickly
"No, I don't have anyone to talk to about this and you talked about your dad" Vic says sitting on kitchen stool near kitchen counter
"You don't have to tell me" I say pouring two glasses of whiskey.
"My dad left my Mum during the night. No note nothing. Just up and left" Vic says sadness in her voice.
"He was an asshole to leave, here's to shitty fathers" I say raising my glass
"To shitty fathers" Vic says smiling

We both take a gulp and I can't help but smile at how easy it is to talk to Vicki. There is a flicker hope that someone understands me.

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