Chapter 3: Genetic... Enchancement..?

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I walk into Al's private lab to get my coat for school. It is just like my father's, stark white and everything organized and neat, I see why they got on so well.


I swing around in the comfortable plush chair content in watching my aunt work in her lab.
I fiddle around with a complex rubix cube, I can see the hard concentration in her eyes as she works. I click my fingers in front of her to get her attention and weirdly my surroundings seem to just freeze.

"What the fuck" I say looking around at the frozen world.

Suddenly in slow motion a empty glass beaker begins to fall to the floor. I click my fingers and time resumes itself the empty beaker smashing into pieces.

"Kel you alright? You look a little pale" Al says moving to clean the glass meanwhile I'm frozen for a few moments

"Kelly?" Al says snapping me out of my trance

"Would you believe me if I just saw the world freeze with a click of my fingers and that beaker fall in slow motion to the ground?" I say looking into her eyes

"Weirdly, yes I would" Al says looking right back into my eyes.

I raise an eyebrow looking for an explanation to her answer.

"Oh come on Kel we both know I have heard and seen worse things and certainly weirder things than that in my lifetime besides you can't lie to me" Al explains "Now, I would like to test you to see the reasoning behind this so called freezing time? Firstly, I will clean up the mess I made" Al continues grabbing a special bag for disposing the glass

She has no idea how good a liar I can be, after all I've been doing it for 14 years.

I move forward and begin to clean up the glass carefully but, still I get a cut on my palm because why would the universe be kind to me?

"Be careful!" Al says but, it's too late.

Al looks at my cut palm and before my eyes it heals instantly not even leaving a scar.
Al stares at me wide eyed and disbelieving.

"What... How? Kel you saw that right?" she asks in awe examine my palm where the cut was mere seconds ago.

"Y...e...s and I thought my life couldn't get any weirder.." I mumble

"Kel do you mind if I do several tests so we can figure out why you literally just healed yourself in front of my eyes and why suddenly your Doctor Strange?" Al says eyebrows creasing a telltale sign she is concentrating.

"All I have to loose is time and if this test comes back saying I'm Dr Strange then I should have unlimited of it" I say jokingly

"Really... Unbelieveable" Al mutters
"You need to be serious Kelly" Al says in her agent tone

She takes a blood sample, and runs several tests easily enough and begins to examine the results.

"That's odd...." Al mutters to herself eyebrows creasing and her head tilting like a confused puppy.

"What is..?" I say intrigued and move closer to Al to see if I can decipher the results myself.

Al doesn't reply instead comes over and rips a piece of hair from me not bothering to even ask.

"Christ that hurt more than first month of training with you" I grumble holding my hand to my head where hair was ripped from me "That was a special kind of hell" I continue flashbacks making me shiver.

She examines my DNA and blood sample and several other results sheets. She looks confused and shocked.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me" I pause for dramatic effect "I am a alien or some shit" I say laughing

"Your not an alien but, your not quite 100% human" Al says tone serious

"Could you explain....?" I ask not believing her words

"Your DNA is a combination dolphin, lizard and your human self... I didn't think genetic enhancement was possible" Al says disbelieving

"Genetic... Enchancement, great why not make me even more weird" I say before regaining my senses and continuing "So your saying I am a combination of a genius scientist daughter, free willy and that lizard thing from Spiderman" I say laughing at how ridiculous this was.

Al takes a moment to think before her eyes flicker like she has an answer.

"My theory is that the dolphin DNA heightened your intelligence even though you were a prodigy already and the lizard DNA heightened your healing abilities and the lab explosion sped up this process basically giving you super-healing and intelligence beyond what we have ever seen, the Doctor Strange ability however is still a mystery" Al explains eyebrows furrowing in concentration as she re-reads the results.

"Great, wonder if I will grow a tail?" I think

Flashback Ends

I quickly come out of that flashback and grab my coat. I remember that day so well, probably one of the weirder days in my life... Understandably...I go into training room making sure to hide my knives up my sleeves and in my boots as a safety precaution, having a gun is too risky. I go back into kitchen where Al throws me a set of keys to her car. I look at her for an explanation.

"I'm staying home today, take the car, don't bother with your bike" she says
"Just don't crash it" she warns "After all you need the driving practice" she teases
"I'll see ya later Al" I say ignoring her teasing
"Don't be late for dinner and bye Kel" she says giving me a big hug


"You got me a motorbike?!" I nearly shout running my hands over the bike shivering with excitement

"I did, it cost a pretty penny so don't crash her" Al says grinning and she tosses me the keys

"It's a Ducati.... Oh I am taking her for a spin" I say overcome with joy

I put on my helmet and get on the bike. It feels amazing and when I twist the keys the engine roars to life. I speed around the block, definitely breaking the speed limit not that Al needs to know.

Flashback Ends

I quickly hop into Al's car and drive to school, totally not breaking several laws..

"Yeah well she told me to practice and honestly what did she expect giving her car to me" I say to myself

I look at my watch and see I have 3 minutes before school. I park up reasonably straight and run to the doors to the school. I see my best friends waiting for me chatting animatedly, probably about some hot guy or some shit. They see me and give a massive wave smiling all the while. I can't help but smile widely and wave back as I approach them books in hand.

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