Chapter 18: Hurt & Pain & The Bastard Comes Back Again

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A loud knock is on the door and I stand up to answer not expecting to be met with Vic's red face and despite our differences on the subject of killing I instantly finding myself melting like ice cream in the sun.

"Vic" I say softly excitement fading to worry
"I tried, he's just a dick" Vic says walking inside
"Come sit down" I say softly

We sit on the couch Vic in the middle of me and Kim.

"I decided to meet him and hear him out" Vic says voice thick with emotion
"He tried to make excuses for not being there!" Vic said crying

I give her a hug and let her cry it out in silence.
Me and Kim meet eyes and I mouth "I'll kill him" to her and she nods in agreement. Little does she know, I mean it.

"Kim could you get us some food and a movie or something?" I say
"Of course I'll be back really soon" Kim says giving a hug to Vic before leaving

"At least he won't bother me now. I told him not to ever again" Vic says sadly
"For a moment, I thought... maybe we could" she continues
"He left and now won't even acknowledge he made a massive mistake. He is at fault, for hurting you. I promise me, Kim, Al and your Mum are all the family you need" I say reassuringly
"If he even dares to come back, well.. I think you know what I would do" I say
"I guess some people never change. He isn't worth beating up." Vic says putting her head on my shoulder and sighing. Innocent Vic thinking I would only beat him up.

We sit in silence until a loud knock is heard on the door. Another knock more impatient comes and I shout
"Alright Kim we're coming!"

I open the door only to be met with a tall man with black spikes hair and Vic's eyes. He smiles at me and I stand tall. A all consuming rage burning in my bones, I can barely control it.

"You" I growl I'm shaking in pure anger
"Is Vicki here?" he asks
"No. Leave." I say angrily clenching my fist
"Can you give her this?" he asks handing me a note
"No, sorry she doesn't wanna talk to you asshole so don't make me say it again" I say my voice shaking... I can't contain it much longer.

He begins to plead but, I slam the door in his face as hard as I can.

"I told him not to try and find me" Vic says crying
"He can't even do that much!" she continues sobbing.

I go back over to the couch and comfort my friend. I slide my hand into hers and just hold her as she cries. Shitty fathers club is really a bad name. It should be asshole fathers club, something worse maybe.... That's a thought for another time.

We sit in silence and I ponder of all the ways I'm gonna make him pay. He hurt my friend so deeply and I vow to do the same. I can feel my anger like a wave and soon it's going overpower me. The dam is cracking under the pressure... I'm gonna break.

Kim arrives mere minutes later and looks Vic's head on my lap sound asleep and our hands intertwined.

"He came again that bastard" I say
"He tried to find her after she explicitly said no?" Kim says handing me my box of Chinese food.
"Yeah, I thought he was bad... This... this is a whole lot worse than I thought. I can literally feel the anger in my veins right now" I say
"I've never felt the desire to kill before. I simply done it because it had to be done for survival" I say
"I might not feel it as bad as you, but, he deserves hell" Kim says handing me a whiskey
"I feel like he'd just feel right at home" I say
"Is she feeling better though?" Kim asks
"Yeah, she got it all out. I'm worried for her though, you've been thrown into chaos that is my life. Her dad comes back on top of it and I feel it might be too much for her" I say my voice softening taking a gulp of the whiskey
"Yes we got thrown into this but, honestly I can say that I'm glad I am a part of your whole life. Even if it is a little crazy at times. Normal is overrated anyways" Kim says smiling
"I'm glad you got your scholarship to look forward to" I say smiling
"I'm so excited but, I'm really gonna miss you two. Living with you two has made us all so much closer" Kim says
"We'll miss you too. I still have no idea what the future holds after this debacle" I say sighing
"I know your life is pretty hectic right now but, you do need to think ahead too. I know you would have no difficulty into getting into Stanford if you wanted to join me..." Kim says
"Maybe... I don't know... anything right now" I say sighing.

We watch the rest of the movie in silence until Vic wakes up a few minutes.
"I sleep?" she croaks
"Yeah you did, it's almost time to go to bed anyways" Kim says looking at the time on her phone

Al saunters into the kitchen grabbing her container of food.
"Training tomorrow morning..." she says and I can almost see her shit-eating grin
"Oh fuck.." Kim says
"How did you survive training with her?" Kim asks me
"Well... I had super healing but, honestly that made it worse because I could still feel the pain, it just healed up quicker which meant more training" I say
"Finally a disadvantage to your powers" Kim says
"We better head to bed" I say pointing at Vic who has already fell back asleep.

I carry Vic up to my room and put her into bed. I fall asleep instantly beside her not realizing how tired I was as well.

Meanwhile In A Off-Grid Lab In California

It's pitch black, lampposts lighting the streets. It's the perfect cover for getting the mineral. Adamson talks on the phone while walking to his black van.

"You found it, good work" Adamson says
"It's located in Seamont under the museum" another unknown man says
"Good let's go discreetly as we can" Adamson says getting into a car.

They arrive shortly later and Adamson follows the tunnel down. The shining blue light is what he has dreamed of seeing.

"Finally" Adamson says gazing at the rock.
"Mine it out, I need this at the lab as soon as possible" Adamson says exiting the cave
"Of course sir, we'll be out of here before sunrise" unknown man says taking out a special drill and begins to mine the rock.

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