Chapter 13: Father?

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Vicki's POV

"Father" I say shocked quickly recovering
"Where have you been the last 10 years" I shout angrily slapping him in the face as hard as she can.

He yelps in pain, his face now with a red handprint. She makes a note to thank Allie later for showing her proper techniques.

"I... know I left and that was wrong but, I am here now to make things right" he says taking her hands into his
"Don't touch me you useless piece of shit!"I shout several people turning around
"Vicki.." he pleads
"Does Mum know your here?" I say vein nearly popping out of her forehead with anger

His face goes pale white and fumbles for answer.

"That's what I thought. Now I am going back to my friend. Stay out of my life" I say coldly giving him a stare that have sent grown men packing.

He gives me a piece of paper and I look at it and almost laugh.

"Your phone number?" I ask
"If you change your mind" he says walking away disappearing into the crowd.

"Unbelievable" I mutter to myself walking back to her seat.

"Hey where were you? I was getting worried" Kelly says concern in her voice
"I'll explain later, for now here are your snacks and let's enjoy the day" I say forcing a smile.

Kelly thankfully decides not to push and we cheer Kim on together.

Kim's POV

I dribble up the field, finding the striker and passing a perfect through ball. The striker scores and hugs me celebrating. The rest of the match is passing back and forth until the whistle blows.

I hug my teammates telling them they did a great job before jogging over to my manager.

"Good game Kim. I'd like you to meet someone" says coach gesturing to a tall man in a suit beside him
"Hello Kim. I'm very pleased to meet you after watching many of your games" he says voice steady and calm
"I'm a representative from Stanford University and I am here to offer you a scholarship to our university" he continues
"Wow..." I say gobsmacked
"I understand this is a lot to take in, so here is a folder containing all you will need to know. It also has my number so feel free to call anytime" he says
"Wow.. Thank you" I say taking the folder
"It was nice meeting you" I say shaking his hand before going in to change clutching the folder that could be the start of my future.

Kelly's POV

"Great game Kim!" Vic says giving her a hug
"Class assist" I say giving her a hug
"Thanks guys" says Kim grinning getting into front seat of the car.
"I'll drive us back" I say getting into drivers seat

I start the engine and meet Vic's eyes in the mirror. They're sad but, angry I have never seen her like this. I send a questioning smile and she smiles back mouthing "later".

I start the car and drive the short drive back to my house and go inside.

"You guys still on for going out? I wanna drink so I can forget the impending shitstorm coming my way" I say
"Hell yes!" Kim says excitedly
"Yeah I need a night out" Vic says quietly and I frown
"Hey guys, I'm going to go to my room to read over some tips coach gave me" Kim says showing the folder
"Alright, I'll see ya ina bit" I say staring at Vic.

Kim disappears into her room and I look at Vic for a moment

"Training room?" I ask my voice soft

She nods and I open the door to the training room. We sit down on the sparring podium and bask in comfortable silence for a moment.

"I'm your friend and I care about you and right now you look sad. Do you wanna talk?" I ask looking into her green eyes.
"Um... yeah actually" Vic says and I wait for her to talk.
"I... I... saw my dad today... first time in.. 10 years" Vic says tears rolling down her cheeks
"He... just shows up" she says and pauses
"Out of nowhere.. as if... nothing.. happened" Vic sobs into my shoulder

I run my hand comfortingly on her back and we sit in silence for a moment.

"He.. wants a... relationship" Vic says a little more composed
"Do you?" I ask softly
"I.. don't know" Vic says before continuing
"I'm afraid.... he'll hurt us... again"
"I spent time wishing my parents were alive so I could speak to them... I would love to see my mother again. James not so much" I say sighing
"There was a time when I would've done anything to talk to him again... That doesn't mean your father is the same as mine. Perhaps he really does regret his actions. I won't tell you what to do" I say softly loosing myself in her brown eyes
"Why now... why did he decide to appear now?" Vic asks me
"I don't know" I say truthfully "Only he knows, you can ask and find out though"

We bask in comfortable silence for a moment before a idea pops into my head.

"I'd like to meet your dad if you do decide that's the course you want to take. Perhaps invite him over here for a dinner. Just remember this is only if you want it" I say

Vic smiles at me and stood up suddenly saying
"Thanks and I need to thank Al for showing me how to slap using proper techniques"
"You slapped him?" I ask chuckling
"Yeah, and it felt great" Vic says
"That's the least he deserved. I would've done worse" I say truthfully.

Who knew sweet, shy little Vic would slap her father? Frankly I didn't but, nevertheless I found it quite an entertaining thought. My only wish is I got to see that slap and his reaction afterwards. If he hurts her or even tries to, that man will suffer in as much agony as I can. I'll remind him of that if I ever meet him.

We walk out of the training room to get ready for a night out. That's the least we deserved with dealing from the events from the last couple of days.

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