Chapter 5: After Math

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I put my key through the door to the house. I shove my kidnapee in and shut the door, with no resistance. I hold the knife to his neck just in case he decides to bail now. He leans heavily on his right foot.

"Al it's just me" I say knowing Al would have gotten her gun the minute the door opened not expecting any visitors.

Al walks into kitchen and looks at me and then my kidnapee with curiosity. She leans against the doorframe with her white lab coat on and goggles on her head.

"Who is he?" she says curiously crossing her arms
"After, ok? I need him fixed up you can interrogate him" I say leading him into a stool.
"Let me stitch him up, I have some medical training" Al says examining the wound eyebrows furrowing in concentration.

Al fetches her medical supplies and soon he's fixed up... as can be..

"His right wrist is broken, that knife caused a lot of blood loss and his vocal cords are damaged" Al says looking at me with.. Pride?
"Nice work" I think I hear Al mutter under her breath but, I can't be sure
"So, why did you bring a wounded stranger into my house and why aren't you at school?" Al says worriedly crossing her arms and staring into my eyes demanding an answer.
"He attacked me at school earlier.. That's why I am home, luckily not many saw me fight him" I saw explaining what happened
"Apparently he was sent by a Dr Arthur Adamson" I continue looking for any sign of recognition across Al's face at the name.

"Name?" Al asks the man
"William" he replies tiredly

She ties the man up tightly leaving his right hand untied due to his wrist. Once she's sure he's secure she turns back to speak to me.

"I don't recognize the name sadly, Kel can you come with me a second" Al says eyeing a passed out William warily.

We walk into the training room and shut the door for complete privacy.
"Can you see if he knows more than he's letting on? He knows too much too we cannot let him go" I say
"I'll interrogate him, it's doubtful he knows much if the person who hired him was smart. He does know too much, don't worry I'll take care of this. One more thing, who saw you fight?" Al says calmly her brain in damage control mode.

"Kim and Vic saw, I pulled the fire alarm and everyone else left before I made any move on him. I told them I'd answer their questions later" I say.

"Bring then over here, and now since someone knows about you it's best if anyone close to you knows so they can at least defend themselves" Al says wisely
"Limits the likelihood of them getting hurt" she continues

I nod and Al walks out of the room. I sigh walking to kitchen. I'm absolutely starving and very stressed. I grab several sandwiches and a couple of bottles of water and head back to training room reading to kick the absolute shit into something. I did always say "Fighting or fucking was the best way to de-stress" sadly though fucking is off the table for now, it'll just have to be fighting.

I text in the group chat with Vic and Kim saying
"My house, 3:00"
I don't add extra information just in case my texts are being monitored.

It sends and I reflect on the day so far. It's barely even 12 o'clock and I cannot wait for it to end. Of course I knew one day I would have to face the government but, would the government really send someone that unskilled? It seems unlikely from what Al has told me they'd send a agent from Black Special Force after me to ensure the job was done cleanly and with minimum collateral damage. Not a very nice thought...

The question now remains, if this wasn't the government, who sent him?

I finish the last of my lunch and take several gulps of water. Whoever it is, I need to be at my very best in order to take this person down. Baring that in mind I go to my room to put on training clothes and walk into the training room ready to train harder than before.

I go over to a table in the left corner where lots of knives are laid out. The black leather on the handles give me a solid grip and well the intricate silver patterns just add that extra factor. I pick several up swinging them in my hand with ease. They're an extension of my arm basically, I wouldn't trade these boys for any gun.

I begin throw them at fatal spots in the dummy hitting the targets every time from far away. I take the last one and spin throwing it right between the eyes of the dummy. I walk to the target and yank them out and repeat the process loosing myself in my thoughts.

"This is the training room, you'll be here for several hours day training with me" Al says walking into the training room
"The government want us Kel, and one day they will find us whether we like it or not. As much as I'd like to think I can protect you, I cannot all the time" Al continues on.

I nod along in understanding and Al walks over to me and gets to her knees so she is staring me straight in the eyes.

"This won't be easy, nothing worth doing ever is. I want you to have the best chance at a life, in order to do that you must survive" Al says softly
"I'm ready to train" I say steel evident in my voice.

I'm a little confused at her statement "to have the best chance at a life, you must survive". I quickly dismiss my confusion and step to the podium.

"Hit me" Al says
I hesitate and Al sweeps my feet from under me.
"Do not hesitate, they won't" Al says firmly

I get back up and swing a right hook. After all I don't go down easily.

Flashback Ends

I roll and throw a knife from my left hand landing right in the heart of the dummy. I laugh reflecting on the first month of training sessions, it wasn't fun getting your ass kicked for several hours a day but, it was so worth it. Just because I had super healing doesn't mean it didn't hurt like a bitch.

I yank the blades out of the dummy and put on table for polishing and sharpening later. I also leave my blood soaked one on the table for cleaning. What is the best way to clean a blood soaked knife? I'll ask Al later, pretty sure she had her fair share of bloody weapons.

I sit down on the sparring podium to take a small break. My arms ache a small bit but, my endurance is improving each session even all these years later. I am sweaty and breathing is faster than normal. I take several gulps of water. The burn from the exercise is what I love, the ache just makes me feel stronger.

I check the time it's 2:00 in the afternoon. It's amazing how fast time can pass sometimes. Regardless I still have lots of time to further train my slowing down time power. Or as I like to call it temporal deceleration since it's easier and maybe it makes me sound smarter.

Oh don't be so judgmental just because I am basically a super-genius doesn't mean I sound smart.

If I am going to take this bastard down I'm gonna need to be at my strongest after all. I have delicious plans for this bastard who decided to just show up and basically turn my life from "Domestic & Peaceful" to "Stressed & Insanity"

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