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⚠Trigger Warning

Johum was out of the parking before she could even think about her actions, or the consequences that her actions would lead to. Domenico was a dangerous man, he had no feelings so he wouldn't hesitate to hurt her. But she didn't let those thoughts enter her mind or affect her decision because she was sick of him.

He had business with her, not Rüya and she was hurt because Johum had gotten invoved with him— a mere child. He had hurt her and Johum couldn't forgive herself for what she was responsible for. What would Zayan do if he came to know that Johum was behind all of this, that she was responsible for what happened to his daughter. Would he hate her? But the probabilty was that he'd kill her.

Johum could handle him hurting her, physically but not the hatred. She didn't want another person hating her even if that person was Zayan.

Halfway through the journey, she realized that she didn't know where she was going, she didn't know where Domenico lived. Because she had been as good as dead when he took her to his mansion and while coming back, she was in a helicopter. So she had no idea where to find him. And she didn't have any phone to search about him.

Besides being in mafia, he was a famous person and was well known in media. She had seen him on billboards and realized that he was an Italian enterpreneur— of course. So somehow maybe it was possible to locate him. She had to talk to him before Zayan reached her. Johum turned around the corner and stopped the car at an internet café. If she couldn't find his residence then she would at least be able to find his office, or where he worked — anywhere she could meet him.

Once she had paid the money and gotten the access to computer, she typed in his name. His name popped up everywhere on screen and sure enough, she was able to locate his office. Johum wrote his address on a piece of paper and walked out of the small building and back towards her car. She drove towards her destination with thoughts jumbling up her mind. She wasn't sure what she would ask him or what she would say, but she knew that she needed to see him.

She couldn't find the antidote and all of a sudden it looked like it was impossible to find it. She was so stupid. Of course it would be difficult to locate it because if it was easy then Zayan and Domenico would have found it themselves rather than cornering her. And she wasn't so sure if she'd ever find it. Johum wondered if she asked her dad about it, maybe he would tell her, to save her life and get her out of the mess.

But if it were that easy, Samir could have done it years ago. Perhaps it would be more dangerous if she found the antidote rather than keeping it hidden. That way, her father and her entire family would be the target, not just her.

Johum sighed and shook her head, she didn't have time to think about these things. She was giving up on finding that thing and she needed to inform that to Domenico. He needed to let her go because she just simply couldn't find it and it wasn't her fault. He shouldn't be hurting people because of something that wasn't in her control. She had gotten herself in to this mess because of her own stupid mistakes and now she was royally screwed.

Zayan wanted that antidote as well and if she gave it to him— if she somehow managed to find it— then her, as well as his entire family would be in danger. And if she gave it to Domenico, Zayan would kill her and wouldn't hesitate to put her in her place. She sighed as anxiety built up inside her and clenched her fists around the stearing.

Johum swallowed when she pulled up in front of a tall skyscraper. She looked up, almost breaking her neck and then closed her eyes as a shaky breath left her mouth. She was scared of confronting him. She still remembered the last time when he had been a decent company and then, out of nowhere he injected her with blue rocket making her lose her memories for a few hours.

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