- Chapter 24 -

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Pov Nathan
People stared at me but I ignored them. I've been mentally preparing myself for what today could bring ever since I read Jace's note. He explained what he was planning in detail, leaving no gaps for possible faillure. Who he was working with, what they would do, how it all came together at one point... And all without breaking a single rule. Incredible, to say the least. Quite impressive even. But the way he reacted on the hate... It was unexpected. He thought he could handle it cause he knew what was coming. But he never felt it before, nobody knew so nobody could hate on him for that. It took him by surprise but I think he's okay now.
"Hey Nathan"
I turned around and saw Peter. It took me a moment before I realised he was one of us now. He changed, or so Jason says.
"I just wanted to say sorry, again, for everthing I've done to you"
"Appoligy accepted" I simply said and walked on towards my class.
"R-really?" he asked and stalked me for a bit longer.
"Yes, Jace explained it to me. It must be really hard for you to" I said with sympathy in my voice. He gave me a sad smile and glanced at Ella as she walked out of the principals office.
"And?" Peter asked. She just looked at him and me and glanced around to see if nobody saw us talking.
"Do I ever disappoint?" she asked with a grin on her face.
"I said what I had to say and made the nessecary threats towards the school. It was actually rather fun, I would do it again if I could!"
When she said 'threats towards the school', she meant that her parents were lawyers and they could sew them for letting a child get traumatished by bullying, surely after the new strict policy.
"You told him where he would find the evidence?" Peter asked.
"I told him where I think it comes from" she said.
"He's gonna check it after second period"
"Omg, Ella you're amazing" I laughed and hugged her.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm awesome, now let go or we'll all be late for class"

I texted Jace with the news from Ella between first and second period. He has never reacted so fast to a text ever.
-Nate! That's amazig!!!
-Yeah that's exactly what I told her ;)
-Oh I can't wait to see the look on Emily's face!!!
-She so totally deserves what she's gonna get >:)
-Got to go, class is about to start
-See ya at Em's locker in an hour <3
-Till then!! ;)

I saw Sandra together with the principal opening a specific row of lockers and grinned. One by one Sandra opened them and they earched for evidence. The fifth one was Emily's one and I just couldn't wait until they found what Jace set up in there.
"Came to enjoy the show?" André asked, staring at the third one that opened.
"Oh absolutely" I smiled and looked around. Quite a few people had stopped by. Searching locker was something that almost never happend here, unless the police thought there were drugs here or something. But than every teacher would start their class with a lecture about how it influences our brains and stuff like that and that didn't happen.
"Isn't Jace here? I can't see him" I asked.
"Oh, I think he had class all the way in the back of the building" André said.
"But he'll probably be here soon"
The fourth locker opened. They were getting close...
"Hey, what did I miss?" Jace asked as he threw his arm around me, staring at Sandra and the principal.
"Nothing yet" I smiled and leaned onto him. Fifth locker. Finally!
"And what do we have here?" Sandra said, taking out the camera. She also took out a few notes and the famous picture with both our eyes scratched out and drawings around us.
"I think we found what we were looking for"
"Everyone get to class! Nothing to see here!" the principal shouted and Jace let go of me. I whined a bit at the loss of warmth beside me and he rolled his eyes.
"See you at lunch cutie" he smirked and gave me a quick kiss.
"Yes, till then handsome" I smiled as I watched him walk away.
"He got you good" André laughed.
"All wrapped around his finger, just like that"
"He's got that infuence on people..." I sighed.
"Don't tell me you haven't noticed"
"I have, but you, my dear Nathan, are the one that is affected the most, believe me" he smirked before our paths splitted, leading us to our apart classrooms. I just rolled my eyes and tried to pay attention in class. But it was hard, knowing that Emily would be caught any minute now...
"Emily Sanchez to the principal's office" it sounded through the speakers.
"I repeat, Emily Sanchez to the principal's office. Now"
It was Sandra's voice, I recognized it. She sounded pissed off as well. I tried to supress my happiness when I thought about her face when she tried to explain herself. We might've framed her but she did most of it herself. She deserved this.

"Oh, look look look!" Sander exclaimed and pointed outside where Emily was standing with a big box, containing all the stuff from her locker. It was lunch and for the first time in forever I was friends with everyone at the popy table. Ella, André, Sander, Simon and even Peter were sitting here with me. And of course Jace, but he was still getting lunch.
"Emily Sanchez to the principal's office" André mimicked while holding his nose, making everyone laugh.
"Hey! Don't have all the fun without me!" Jace smiled as he sat down beside me.
"What took you so long? I thought you would be the first one here to laugh at her" Peter stated.
"Well, I went by Sandra's office" he grinned and all eyes were on him.
"Emily got expelled!"
"What?! Really?!" Simon shouted and we all started celebrating. A lot of people were watching but we didn't care. We won! We really won!
"You did it!" I laughed and hugged Jason.
"For getting revenge on that bitch I want more than just a hug, Wheeler" he grinned and planted his lips on mine. The others cheered and started clapping as the kiss continued. Photo's were made and people stared.
"I love you, Nathan Wheeler" Jace whispered as he pulled away. In shock, I answered the only thing that seemed right at the moment.
"I love you to, Jason Anderson"

I'm NOT a faggot (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now