- Chapter 25 -

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Pov Jason
"Oh, look, this one is so cute" Ella said while showing me the pictures she took of me and Nate during our kiss.
"Yes, absolutely, I want it" I stated and she laughed.
"I'll add it to the list" she smiled. A list of pictures of me and my boyfriend she MUST send me or I WILL kill her.
"What about this one?"
"List" Nate said as he joined in.
"And make sure to send all of them to me as well. Angela is so gonna freak out when she hears about this"
Peter just rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed.
"When are you finally gonna stop? Just, please, stop being such a gay couple" he complained.
"First of all, we are a gay couple" I stated.
"And secondly, to answer your question, it are only five more photo's so be quiet and stop whining about it"
He rolled his eyes and the other guys chuckled. Lunch would be almost over anyway so it didn't really matter that much.
"Okay, I've send them" Ella said and put her phone away. Ella send 16 new pictures appeared on my screen and I smiled.
"Thanks!" Nate smiled and started scrolling through them. I picked one I liked and added a nice filter, getting Ella's and Nate's approval, and posted it online. Jason Anderson is now in a happy relationship with Nathan Wheeler. Within seconds Nathan did the same and changed his status online.

Nate and I drove home together after school. It was nice to do this again after our separation of the last few days. I was happy people accepted us now, nobody made a real problem out of it. Before it were just Em and Peter setting everyone up against it but now that problem had faded so we didn't have to worry about that anymore.
"See ya tomorrow!" Nate shouted as he turned at his house while I drove on for a little longer. I parked my bike next to the house cause dads car blocked the garage. Strange, he isn't supposed to be home yet... I just shrugged it off, thinking a meeting was cancelled or something, and went inside. I kicked my shoes off and let my bag drop to the ground. Max ran happily towards me and I bowed down t pet him.
"Hey bud! I'm happy to see you to!" I laughed and got back up. At that point I heard some noise from the kitchen and frowned.
"Dad? Is that you?" I asked confused and walked ito the living room. The whole couch was covered in empty beer cans and the house smelled of it.
"Stay back Max" I whispered and closed the door behind me so he couldn't come in. I knew how John was when he was drunk and it was absolutely not recommended to see it. I slowly made my way to the kitchen where I saw him drinking a bottle bottoms up and smashing it to pieces on the ground. The floor was covered in pieces of broken glass and I just stared at my dad, not knowing what to say.
"You're home. Finally" he hissed and got up. His heavy boots were no match for the glass, they were meant for hiking and climbing so the sole was massive.

(Violence ahead! Graphic, trigger warning. Don't wanna read, start reading at the *****)

"You think I wouldn't notice?! Huh?! You think I wouldn't find out!" he started yelling and I backed up.
"F-find out what? I-I don't know what you're t-talking about d-dad" I stuttered without looking at him. Never look at him when he's drunk. NEVER.
"You little faggot!" he yelled and picked me up, smashing me against the wall.
"How could you bring so much shame upon me?! How dare you?!"
He threw me to the floor but I didn't land on the beer cans, no, I landed on the glass. My skin got ripped open and I started bleeding. I cried as I tried to get up but he just kept pushing me down. He kicked me so I rolled over to the living room. I could feel pieces of glass stuck in my back and my arms but he didn't care. He just kept kicking and kicking and kicking. Until I was a bloody mess... I heard Max barking in the background, luckily he was okay...
"You're a disgrace! You hear me!" he yelled angrily.
"A mistake! How dare you be gay?! After what happend to your brother?! It should've been you!"
It should've been me...
"Jackson made this family proud! But you are just a piece of useless shit!"
Jackson was better than me... He deserved to be alive... Not me...
"You're not my son! You hear me! You never were! You're lucky that Maria is so good looking or I would've threw you out long ago! You're just a little annoying brat! Now get out of my house! Pack your things and get out!"
He pulled me up by my arm and dragged me along up the stairs, not caring if I could follow his pace or not. If I was injured or not. I left a trail of blood behind as he threw me into my room, slamming the door behind me. The whole house shook but I barely felt it.


I just laid there, crying, bleeding, before I got my common sense back. I got my phone out of my pocket, thanking the gods it was still alive. I called 911 immediately, waiting for a response. It only took mere seconds before I got a reply.
"Hello this is 911, what is your emergency?"
"I-I'm hurt" I cried but my voice sounded broken and I was not sure she heard it that well.
"Can you describe what happend?" the woman asked.
"M-my father h-hit me" I chocked out.
"P-please, I-I'm bleeding... I don't know what to do..."
"Okay, no panic" the woman said.
"What's your location?"
"E-Emelo, 21 C-Cloverstreet" I stuttered.
"Help is on the way. What's your name?"
"Okay, listen to me Jason, I'm gonna stick with you all the way until someone gets there, understand?"
"Good. Is your father still in the area?"
"H-he's downstairs" I whispered.
"I-I'm scared..."
"I know, but I'm here okay? Police and ambulance are on their way" the woman said.
"You need to stay strong Jason, you understand? Is there someone you really care about?"
"Good, think about that person and be strong. You don't want to lose them and they don't want to lose you" she said, trying to calm me down.
"I promise that help is almost there, can you hear the sirens?"
Now she said that I heard them in the distance, getting closer.
"I-I hear them" I shocked out.
"Good, good, it means they're almost there Jason" she repeated.
"Help is on the way, you're going to be fine"
"I-I'm gonna be fine" I whispered.
"Indeed, you're gonna be totally okay" she said.
"They're entering your street, can you see them?"
"I-I...can't stand" I whispered through my tears.
"They've arrived at the house, do you see them? Are they there?"
The front door was smashed open and I heard heavy footsteps downstairs.
"Y-yes, they're inside"
"Okay, I'm gonna go now Jason. Just stay where you are and let them help you, okay?"
"O-okay" I chocked out before the connection was broken. The faint noises of the police shouting at my father and him yelling back entered my ears. The whole neighbourhood could probably hear it but for me it sounded so far away...
"I found him! Get the doctors in here!"
An armoured man sat down beside me and tried to speak to me but I couldn't hear what he was saying. Everything around me turned in a blur and I lost consciousness...

I'm NOT a faggot (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now