- Chapter 28 -

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Pov Jason
I walked around the room, getting the last few things. There was a whole wire with get better cards that had been dropped by over time. Two weeks. That's how long it's been. And I can finally return home... I picked up the wire, putting it in the box without pulling off all the cards. My friends even came to visit all at once, it was nice. I don't really remember much though, cause it was the first week of my stay. The first week my medication was rather high and they lowered it during the second week, meaning I was completely clean now. But that first week was just a blur in my mind. Sometimes I remembered things but than I wish I wouldn't have. They were all just me blurting out random and awkward things. So I told people I didn't remember anything at all to avoid those questions.
"You're ready to go?" mom said and forced a smile.
"Yes" I sighed and picked up the box.
"Let me carry that honey" she said but I insisted I could carry my stuff on my own. I already said goodbye to all my nurses and doctors, thanking them for the good care. Our way home was quiet, only the radio played.
"Before you enter the house" mom sighed as we drove into our street.
"I haven't really got the time to clean up properly with everything that's been going on with you and work and John so... I just want to warn you okay?"
"Okay" I said and forced a smile before looking down at the box on my lap. I was really looking foreward to seeing Max again. He wasn't alowed with me in the hospital so it's been ages since I saw him.
"Hey bud!" I laughed when he ran at me with full speed. He tackled me to the ground, luckily I wasn't carrying my box anymore.
"I really missed you to little fur ball"
It was then I saw what mom meant with 'clean up properly'... The blood... It was still there. My blood. I froze for a moment, flashbacking to that moment. Mom placed her hand on my shoulder and pushed Max away.
"I-is all of it still here?" I asked quietly.
"I was planning on getting a specialized company hired to clean it up" she sighed.
"But yes, all the stains are still there"
"O-okay" I whipsered, thinking I could handle a few drops of blood, taking the box up to my room. But it weren't just a few drops. It was a whole pool of dried blood in the middle of my room. I was bleeding... I was hurt, cut, kicked... I dropped the box and started crying, right there in that moment. Come on Jason, you're being over dramatic, it's just blood.
"Just blood" I whispered, trying to calm myself.
"It's over... I'm safe..."
I started breathing louder and heard steps on the stairs.
"Everything alright?" mom asked and stood before me, blocking the ugly brownish dried red color on the floor. I shook my head, hugging her.
"I want it gone!" I cried.
"I know sweetie, I know..." mom sighed and rubbed my back.
"You know what? Why dodn't you stay over at a friends house until this is all cleaned up? Wouldn't that be better?"
"R-really?" I asked a bit surprised.
"Yes, call Nathan if you want to, I don't care as long as you feel safe, okay?" she said and pulled me close.
"Shall I call his father and arrange some things while you go on a walk with Max?"
"Yes, p-please"

People stared at me as I walked through the center of town with Max. It was weekend so it wa quite busy here. I sighed and entered the shop of Simon's parents, finding him behind the counter.
"Hello" he said automaticly after hearing the little alarm bell on the door rang.
"Hey" I sighed and his head shot up.
"I know dogs aren't really allowed here bu-"
"Jason! You're back!" he shouted and jumped over the counter, hugging me.
"Y-yeah, ah, that hurts" I whimpered and he pulled away immediately.
"S-sorry, it's just... You're okay, you're back" he said, obviously very happy for me.
"Are you coming to school Monday?"
"Yes, but I can't do P.E. yet for a while so I'm benched" I joked and he rolled his eyes.
"Now our class is definitly gonna lose against Latinist nerds" he exclaimed overdramatically.
"Sciences stand no change for that dead language, that's for sure" I laughed and saw someone waiting at the counter.
"I think you need to go" I smiled.
"I just came to say hello, it was nice seeing you again"
"Yeah, same" he smiled and jumped back over the counter.
"How can I help you?"
I rolled my eyes as his voice switched to his perfect english costumer voice. It was funny to hear.
"What do you say? Wanna go to the park bud?"
He barked happily and his tail started waving at full speed.
"Guess you do" I laughed.
"Come on"

"Guess who" someone said as two hands covered my eyes from behind me.
"I was just sitting here, enjoying a bit of fresh air, and you decide to give me a heart attack with Guess who?" I asked and heard him laughing.
"Just answer you big dork!" he complained in a joking manner.
"Well, if it isn't my boyfriend I don't even want to know" I stated. The hands disappeared and Nate sat down beside me.
"I knew I would find you on this bench when your mom said you were taking Max for a walk" he smiled.
"It's OUR bench" I corrected him with a smile.
"So how much did I miss at school?"
"Nothing really happens here, you know that" he sighed.
"But you can copy all Simons notes so you should be up to date in no time!"
"Great! Now get over here so I can kiss you" I grinned and pulled his lips onto mine. We melted together and I let my hands get tangled in is hair. His lips parted, inviting me in. I let my tongue explore his mouth and earned a small moan from him. I smiled in the kiss, pulling away slowly.
"I heard you enjoyed yourself" I grinned and he blushed, looking away.
"Yeah, well, what if I did huh?" he asked, still as red as ever.
"I'm allowed to enjoy it, your mine for Godsake"
"Oh, really? I'm yours?" I asked and crawled on his lap. His face turned even more red, if that was possible and he avoided eyecontact.
"Unbelievable..." he muttered.
"You're just like in the hospital..."
"What?" I asked confused.
"Oh, yeah, you don't remember..." he sighed and pushed me off him.
"I-I need to get h-home soon s-so uhm I-I'll see you t-tonight"
He walked off without looking at me and I frowned, before remembering what happend in the hospital. I tried to get in his pants all the time during the first week, or from what I remember. But that was way to early and I understood that, even though I sometimes really REALLY wanted to... I couldn't help myself, he was just so damn cute! And I'd like to see you try better when you've got a boyfriend like Nathan!

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