- Chapter 27 -

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"So is it true?"
"What?" I asked confused.
"About Jason? He's in the hospital, right?"
News travels fast here around Emelo, surely when something 'spectacular' happens. It would probably be in the local newspaper as well. Which meant that I was gonna be asked questions I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to see Jace laying there, covered in blood, being dragged outside. I didn't want to be reminded of the bandaged mess he was right now.
"I'm sorry I asked" Peter sighed and forced a smile.
"B-but I'm here for the moral support, you know"
After that he just hugged me, seeing I had quite a hard time talking about it. I felt people stare, just like they always did. But I must give them some right to, I mean, it's not everyday you see a bully hug his victim. Even though we made up, it didn't mean the rest of the school knew about that.
"Hey love birds" Simon called and got my attention.
"If Jason is gonna see that I think he'll get ultra jealous"
"Well, Jason isn't seeing anything any time soon, is he?" Peter asked with a smirk.
"Sorry, it's a habit"
"So it's true, he's in Saint-Agatha's?" Simon asked with wide eyes.
"What happend?"
"H-his father beat the shit out of him" I sighed and stared at the ground.
"Jace warned me for this... He didn't want to go public this soon, not because he was afraid of the towns reaction, but his father's... He's the most homophobic person I know, that's what he said. But did I listen? No"
"It's not your fault Nate" Sim tried to comfort me with a weak smile.
"This was his plan, remember? He wanted to reveal himself, so he must've known the risks"
I sighed and stared at the ground. What he said was true, but I doubt he thought this would happen...
"What did the doctors say? Do you know anything more?" Peter asked.
"He'll be fine with enough recovery time" I sighed.
"A-and you're right Sim, he calculated the risks... He's gonna be okay, I don't need to worry about him"
"But still, you do" Sim said.
"Cause he's your boyfriend, and I get that, but just try to get your mind off things for a while okay?"

My phone rang during lunch but I didn't really wanna look. I was glad I did anyway. Jason's name appeared on my screen and my eyes widened.
"Hallo? Jace?" I asked immediately but it took a while before I got a respons.
"Oh God it's good to hear your voice" he said on a hoarse tone, his voice not really back yet.
"You're awake!" I almost screamed through the cafetaria and smiled like crazy.
"Thanks captain obvious" he joked but I could clearly hear he was in some pain.
"S-so how are you? Feel any better?" I asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm getting drugged at the moment actually" he laughed dryly.
"Painkillers and stuff. I'm like a robot mummy or something, tubed and wired on everything and covered in bandages"
"I'm glad you still have your sense of humor" I smiled.
"Hmm... So how are you? Are you doing okay?" he asked.
"Mom said you were at the scene and saw me all, you know...beat up... Are you fine?"
"I'm not the one in the hospital you dork" I laughed slightly.
"I was worried sick about you! I'm dropping by after school, okay?"
"G-good" he yawned.
"Cause those druggy things make me kinda sleepy..."
"Okay, see you soon" I said.
"Yeah, love you" he answered and hung up. I just stared at the table for a moment. He loves you... Jason loves me! I smiled like crazy and saw everyone on the table staring at me.
"Was that Jace?" Ella asked.
"How is he?"
"Awake" I stated.
"They're giving him painkillers against, you know, the pain. He should be fine after a few days, maybe weeks"
"I'm so glad to hear that!" Ella cheered.
"Yeah, maybe we could all visit him?" Sander suggested.
"Like a fun surprise to cheer him up a bit"
"Great idea" André said.
"I'll steal a 'Get better soon' card from the shop and we're good to go" Sim joked and we laughed.
"But yeah, I think that would be a great idea, I'll plan the trip" Simon said, a bit more serious.
"Next Wednesday okay for you guys?"
"I'll let you know" Ella said and everyone responded with kinda the same answer.

"There is my beautiful!" Jason smiled with open arms as I walked in the room. There was a nurse changing his fluid bag or something and he pulled on her sleeve.
"Look! It's my boyfriend! Isn't he just as cute as I told you?"
"Even more" the nurse smiled and I felt myself turn red.
"He's drugged so he doesn't know what he's saying, really" the nurse explained to me.
"So just kind of roll with it and make sure he doesn't get upset"
"Will do" I said and watched her leave the room.
"So you've been shouting all around about me, haven't you?"
"Come here so I can hug you~" he whined and stretched his arms towards me. I rolled my eyes and laid down beside him, careful to not pull out a wire or something like that.
"I love you" he said and snuggled closer to me.
"I know" I smiled.
"Do you love me to?" he asked while playing with my hair.
"Of course I do"
"I wanna hear you say it" he stated and looked at me with the most serious he could possibly master right now.
"Say that you love me" he commanded.
"Uhm, I love you?" I said but it was more like a question than an answer. I don't think he noticed.
"Yey! I knew it!" he cheered and started kissing me all over.
"H-hey! Stop!" I laughed.
"That tickles!"
He just continued while I tried to free myself and he ended on top of me, staring me down with a stoned gaze.
"I'm gonna tell you a little secret" he whispered but couldn't really control his laughter in between.
"But don't tell Nathan, okay?"
"I won't tell Nathan" I said. Man, those drugs got him really good. He didn't even realise it was me anymore.
"I really like his kisses... They're just so soft and they make my tummy go all happy inside!"
I laughed and blushed, knowing what he was trying to say. It was really cute, seeing him struggle with his words.
"And than the feeling goes dooowwwnn" he said while letting his hand glide from my stomach to my lower parts.
"Yeah, don't go there" I said quickly and took his hand away immediately.
"But I just wanna-"
"No" I said as serious as I could and stared at him. Even in this state he seemed to realise what I said and what he was trying to do.
"Okay" he whined and let his body fall onto mine. He was heavy but I managed. He placed his head on my chest and intertwined our legs.
"One day I'll get you... I promise" he yawned before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I'm NOT a faggot (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now