1 - From The Ice

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Liberty's P.O.V

I don't remember much, just a room full of people shouting loudly and then a dark and extremely cold abyss of nothingness. But then, just as waking from a long sleep, my eyes shot open at the feeling of warmth, fire flowing through my veins, as if it had been years since warmth had come over my body.

Sitting up, my eyes scanned the room I had suddenly found myself in. It was different to the room I had seen before I had been asleep, that room had been loud and light, filled with blues and oranges and people going about their business. This room was dank and dark and... empty.

On my body there hung a greyish/white t-shirt and a pair of black trousers that both bore the same quite bizarre logo or badge. The shirt looked as if it used to be white, pure like an angels wing, but it had been worn and so, bit by bit, the colour had faded. Suddenly a beeping sound filled the silence, coming from a silver band that was wrapped around my wrist, part of the band was flashing red.

A pair of big metal doors started opening then, two men with large guns that looked a lot bigger and weirder than any guns I had seen before stepped through the doorframe and then parted, revealing another man wearing a dark suit with the same badge on it as my top and trousers. He whispered something to both of the other men and then turned back to me as I stood from my bed, wobbling a bit before getting my bearings.

"Miss, we are here to escort you to the Mouse Room," He said, his eyes shaded from my vision under dark sunglasses. The man had a thick, possibly German or Russian, accent, which my gut seemed to not trust. I was going to try to decline his offer politely, but the men with the guns stepped forward and grasped each of my arms, dragging me forward and out of the room and into a long, seemingly neverending hallway. I tried to stop myself from panicking too much, telling them to politely get off me, asking them what 'the Mouse Room' was, but of course I got no answer from any of the men.

As I was being pulled down the dimly lit corridor, I began to go past room after room, each lit quite brightly with harsh white lights, and each of them with what looked to be an experimenting table in the middle, at least one, maybe more, doctors in each of the rooms, each of them with the same insane, fierce, even dangerous look in their eyes. It was then that the screams started, all of them sounded like... children?

Then I started screaming, as loudly as my voice would go, trying to kick the men and break free from their grasps. I could feel my voice giving way but I screamed on, I was in danger, I knew that much. Suddenly, the man who wasn't holding a gun held some sort of cloth up to my face, making me breathe... in... the...

The next thing I knew, I was being blinded by the same bright lights I had seen in the rooms I had been pulled past earlier on, my body filled with panic as I realised I was strapped down to one of those experiment tables, a doctor stood to my right, all three of the men from earlier on stood by the door.

"This one should be should be our saving grace, Doctor," The man in the suit spoke to the doctor.

"And why would that be? Not one of these children has survived this experiment so far, what makes this girl any different than the rest?" The doctor replied. The doctor had a more feminine voice, very sly and somewhat cruel. I could still hear screams echoing around the walls, ringing in my ears. Those poor children.

"Well, you see Doctor, this ones special," He made direct eye contact with my panicking eyes, "She has the serum, the same serum as-" Suddenly he was cut off, a loud crashing sound, as loud as a bomb, came from somewhere down the corridor, all three of the men rushing towards to sound, locking the door of the room behind them, the doctor standing by the window. Gunshots began to ring out, one bullet causing the window to smash as the doctor died by my feet, having been precisely shot in the head.

It was then that a lady with incredible red hair, dressed completely head to toe in black swung in through the smashed window, landing on her feet and then checking her surroundings, a small handheld gun strapped to her waist. She saw me and walking briskly to my side, starting to unstrap me from the table. Then another person, a man this time with shortish blonde hair, dressed all in black walked in through the door, having picked the lock.

"Nat, you could've just walked through the door, ya know?" He says, scanning over the situation.

"But where's the fun in that?" She replied, smirking.

Both of them undid the binds that kept me tied to the table and helped me to the floor. The woman ran towards the door, checking it was safe, the gun in her hand. We ran along corridors and around twisting stairs leading to places I had never seen before until we had reached the outside of the building. It looked like it was the middle of the night.

As we were briskly walking away from the building that I had known for all of a few hours, The woman turned to the man and began to speak.

"Wait, Clint, where are the other kids?" Nat looked at him then with eyes that held something inside the, not fear, but something quite worse.

"I couldn't save them, Nat," we stopped, Clint looking seriously into her eyes. "She's the last one,"

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