12 - Howard had a son?

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Liberty's P.O.V


The others looked in shock, none of us really understood what was going on. I looked at dad, still as confused as I had been for the past few minutes.

"Stark, as in Howard?" I asked, looking up to my dad. He nodded.

"Wait, you knew my dad?" Tony then asked.

"Howard had a son?" I asked, surprised, "Yes, to me he was Uncle Howard, me and Lizzie used to visit him with Mum all- all the time," my speech slowed as I was remembering things, images of a large house and a man who looked very similar to Tony, just with fewer t-shirts and more suits, a large lab.

"Yes, he did have a son," Tony looked away as he spoke, I could see that he was hurting, I didn't ask why mum said that it was never polite to interfere with other people's problems like that.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just never remember Uncle Howard being the settling down type. I'm glad he eventually found someone and then had you," I explained, trying to make him feel better. He looked back at me and smiled.

"I was born in 1970, April 4th," Tony said, "wait, Lizzie- Elizabeth is your..."

"My little sister, we were born 4 years apart," I finished his sentence, "Did you know Lizzie?!"

"She was my babysitter once she was old enough, Aunt Peggy would be my babysitter if Elizabeth couldn't do it for some reason," Tony replied, a nostalgic smile forming on his face, "I still call her from time to time when Pepper says I ought to check up on her,"

Wait... Lizzie is still alive?!" I exclaimed. I hadn't thought about any possibility of any of my family other than dad being alive.

"Here," Tony said, passing me his mobile phone that had a number on the screen, "call her, on my phone since she knows my number," I took the phone from his hands and looked at dad, who gave me an encouraging smile as I pressed the button marked 'call this number' and put the phone to my ear.

It rang a couple of times, which I had gathered was pretty usual in the little experience that I've had with a phone, my heart was racing at 100 miles an hour. I bit my lip so hard that I could feel the blood floating to the surface. Then the ringing stopped and a voice followed.

"Hello?" The voice said. It was a female voice, familiar to my ears but it sounded somewhat distorted. I didn't answer straight away, my brain was in shock, I just stood there, my eyes filling with happy tears, as I took in the sound of the sister I loved and thought I'd lost years ago.

"Hello?" The voice said once more, sounding a little more inquisitive than the first time, but it was enough to bring me back to my senses enough to speak,

"L-Lizzie, it's-it's me."


Authors note

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Sorry for the kind of short chapter this time, But i promise that bigger things are on their way.

- C

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