27 - Two Years

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Liberty's P.O.V

"Hey Peter," I said into the microphone of my mobile phone, "it's Liberty, I was just calling to see how you were, but I see that you're busy. Just wanted to let you and-and Ned kn-know that I miss you both and I hope you are both okay!" my feet trudged on the crispy flame-coloured autumn leaves that littered the pathways and roads all around me. "I can't wait to see you again," my eyes shifted from my feet to the view of the sea, walking home from school had never been so beautiful in my entire life. "Just, call me back when you get this, okay?" And I hung up the phone, happy that Peter is obviously busy with school and the Stark Internship, to be honest, I'm not entirely surprised. Peter had always been incredibly gifted, he'd always been really clever, I was glad he was using that head of his for something useful.

Still, I had started to feel the length of time that I had been away from home. It had been almost 2 years since that video went viral all around the world, the world getting to know the personal secrets about my father's life. I had finished the high school education system here in the UK, I'd gone through high school, done my final exams and I had started going to college, a fresh start yet again. It was good that there was a college not far from Aunt Maggie's house, which also meant that I had the view of the sea every morning and every evening on my way home. Who could honestly ask for more?

I missed what my life back in America had been like. Training with Aunt Nat, being able to go out for ice cream at any time of the year with Peter and Ned. I even would go so far as to miss the constant annoyances of Camilla Woods, of whom I hoped wasn't just carrying on picking on Peter and Ned even if I was no longer there too. I honestly missed the boys more than anything; Peter and Ned had been the only thing looked forward to each day, and of course, I missed my dad like crazy. I felt like I didn't even know him that well, and he is my flesh and blood. He'd always be off on badass and cool missions with the Avengers, so I didn't see him as often as I'd have liked, but up until now, I'd never truly thought about how much he meant to me.

"Hey, I'm back," I shouted through the house as I opened the front door and took off my shoes. Usually, this was the moment where James, who was now aged 8, would come running up to me to tell me what he'd done at school or show me some kind of certificate that he'd been awarded, or sometimes even go as far as to make me look at the new cut he'd gotten on his knee due to playing football at school with his friends. He'd grown so much since I first moved here, it really made me smile. But it was silent, not even the sound of the Prince and the other cats meowing from the room down the hall. I had every reason to be slightly suspicious.

I took off my coat, hung it where the rest of the coats lived and went through to the living room/kitchen, my bag still on my shoulder.

"Hey, Aunt Maggie, what's-" Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. Maggie wasn't stood alone in the kitchen like she usually was, she wasn't even with James, Annabelle or Christina, there was someone else there with her. I didn't recognise the man at first, he'd changed more than I'd have thought since I last saw him, but as soon as our eyes met, I knew exactly who it was.

"DAD!" I shouted, running towards him and embracing him in the biggest hug I think I have ever given anyone in my entire life.

"Hi Liberty," He replied, a tinge of sadness evident in his voice, which I didn't like.

"Dad, what's-what's wrong?" I asked, pulling myself away from the hug and putting on a serious face, which was what I gathered would seem appropriate for whatever was about to come out of his mouth. He looked at Aunt Maggie, whose face also seemed to look extremely sad. I didn't quite know if I even wanted to know what had happened anymore.

"It's Thanos," Dad started, "He's here."

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