15 - Training

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Liberty's P.O.V

The unbelievable and exciting weekend I had just endured did not in any shape or form transfer into an interesting week. It was boring, as it had been before as if nothing had changed and life just moved on swiftly, as it always does. I spent a little bit less time studying, more time with my Peter and Ned and then even more time at Lizzie's house, I wasn't going to let any time go to waste with her. I would've visited mum too if only the visiting hours weren't when I was already in school. I did, however, go to visit her at the weekends with dad, it became the highlight of both our weeks.

I knew that mum would've changed, but she was still the same mum I had all those years ago before I went under the ice. She began to remember more things, the nurse lady said that she was getting better at that, but she was still deteriorating slowly. "She's a strong one, is Peggy, she won't let go until she wants to," her nurse said to us when we were on our way out of the hospital one time, it both made me happy and sad, my heart sank each time I remembered how much of life I had missed whilst I was gone.

I carried on hanging out with Ned and Peter, it was a miracle that I had managed to find friends like them, but I was truly nervous about when the day would come that I'd have to come clean about my past and tell them everything I've been hiding.

I got in from school one day and found dad sat at our small dining room table talking to none other than my red-haired saviour.

"Natasha!" I exclaimed happily, I was always happy to see any of my dad's friends/colleagues. "Hey Squirt," Natasha replied, smiling. Then dad started to speak. "Your Aunt Nat has offered, well... not really 'offered', I had a favour to trade in, to train you," He said, both of them looking at me. "I decided that since you have my... abilities... because of the serum, you should at least learn how to properly use them and-" I cut him off with a hug. "Of course! I'd love to," I replied, excited to be starting something new and actually learning about how to control the abilities I was born with.

We started training straight away the day after, Aunt Nat took me to buy some suitable clothes for training; sports bra, leggings, workout stuff, and we went straight to the training facility. We started off simple, according to Natasha, with a punching bag. She made sure that I was punching correctly and with enough strength to hurt, then we moved on to kicking using the same sort of principle. I trained for a couple of hours and then got changed out of my sweaty clothes and into my spare change of clothes that I had been instructed by my dad to take after having a quick shower at the facility. I felt so energized and strong, even after one session, I couldn't wait to carry on training more.

Every day after school (or after study time with the boys) I would go to the training facility and meet Aunt Natasha for training, learning more and more as I trained. I felt healthier than ever, I just generally felt better in my own skin, even if I was eating so much more than I was before and it was driving dad's bank account insane. I was sceptical at first as to how I'd keep up with school work and train and have a social life, but I made time for everything. The boys knew about my training, but they didn't quite understand how and why and where, since all of that had to be kept confidential for S.H.I.E.L.D safety protocols and all of that, so at least there was no making unreal excuses to them, the people who I seemed to be the most honest with apart from my parents.

I was excelling in P.E at school too, since I was getting fitter and stronger due to the training as well as the fact that my genetics helped quite a lot with being able to aim and run fast etc. But I hated being the best, I have never wanted to be the showoff, and hopefully, I never will be. I didn't even enjoy P.E, my teachers encouraged me to take up doing sports teams as afterschool activities, but I just didn't have time, as well as the fact that I would rather be sat in the art room than being outside in the cold air.

Peter and I had some free periods at the same time, Ned and I never really had any frees together, so the two of us would sit in the art room; I'd sit and draw and Peter would either do any homework he had or sometimes he'd just sit and watch as my pencil made its marks across the paper turning into something that he would call 'amazing'. It was nice having him as my company, he was nice and he always had something to talk about.

Me and Peter were paired up once in P.E class to do some boxing exercises with pads and gloves. I volunteered to use the pads whilst Peter punched my hands, and it was then that I realised how strong he was, he was, like, really strong. I didn't say this out loud, bare in mind, but he said the same about me, he made a joke about how training must help and I laughed. Oh, he had no idea.

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