29 - The Suit

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Steve's P.O.V

She just said WHAT.

"Hang on, did you just say that you're going to kill Thanos?" I asked Liberty, her face stern, her heart clearly firmly set of a destination.

"Yep," She replied, popping the 'p' at the end as she began searching for pieces of armour through all of my old suits that Tony had made me in the past, along with the rest of the Avengers.

"Liberty, he's already won," Tony started, looking at her with a sympathetic look that I knew wasn't patronising, he just understood how she felt, he'd lost people too.  "There's no way of defeating him now, he has the stones,"

"I'll just have to use this then," She said, putting out her hand, letting out a flame-like magic from the centre of her palm. Tony and I leapt backwards in shock,  didn't know she could do that.

"How..." Tony muttered,

"I don't actually know, I just remember something about it happening back- back in the m-mouse r-room what must've been years ago," Liberty replied, trying her best to explain. I could see how her mind was racing at top speeds, thoughts coming and going faster than the speed of light.

I knew that there was no way on earth that I could stop her or even attempt to change her mind, it would end up being a waste of my breath, she definitely had my stubbornness. But I didn't want to lose her. It was then that Tony piped up again,

"Liberty... erm... I did make this for you for-for when you'd need it," He said, pressing a button on his suit revealing a pendant that had a marble blue and black gem in the middle on a delicate looking chain. he handed it to Liberty who held it carefully in her hands.

"What is it?" Liberty asked, inspecting the entire pendant closely.

"Put it on and I'll show you," Tony replied, causing Liberty to do as she was told and attach the chain around her neck.

"Now, put your thumb on the gem in the middle and press down lightly," Tony continued, gesturing for both me and himself to stand a little further back, clearly this was one of his inventions that he had yet to try out. Liberty hovered her thumb over the blue and black gem, looked up at the two of us as if she was looking for encouragement. Tony nodded and she pressed down on the gem just as Tony had said to do.

Suddenly what she was wearing began to change, transforming from the regular, civilian clothes, to what looked like armour. Once her body had been properly guarded by the armour a semi-loud click sounded like the final piece of the puzzle came into place. A metal golden star, the same star that was also plastered in the centre of my own uniform as Captain America. I smiled, trust Tony to have thought of making our uniforms smilies. Very funny Stark.

Liberty had taken note of this too.

"It- it's perfect Tony... how did-" 

"Nat and I had a conversation after she started training you, together we collectively decided that having your own sort of 'suit' was necessary," Tony replied, as Liberty marvelled at the suit she was now wearing, her face spreading into a grin. She clocked the gem on her pendant again and the suit disappeared again, leaving her stood there, grinning like a child, in her civilian clothes once more.

Liberty then went back to looking through all of my stuff down there in the gym, as if she was searching for something still. It was then that she jumped backwards, staring down at her hands, which were glowing just as her eyes had started doing again, golden as that damned gauntlet on the oversized grapes hand. But this was a slightly better shade of golden. It wasn't the gold that showed power-hungriness or greed, but just general strength and strong will. Liberty held her hands outwards, trying out these powers for both me and Tony to see, aiming towards where my punching bag was still set up, attached to the ceiling with bulky, solid metal chains. Her eyes suddenly glowed a brighter shade of gold, as bright as the sun that shone on hot summers days, and a burst of some sort of power, powerful power, shot from her palms, knocking the punching bag to the floor, a hole burnt through its middle. I looked up towards the heavens, and all I could think was 'Peg, how on earth did we manage to create this human?'

Her eyes turned back to match my blue ones, she began to visibly breathe once more, heavily taking in the oxygen into her body. 

"Well," Tony said, breaking the silence that had followed, "I actually think you might have a chance in this battle,"

"Really?" Liberty questioned, a sparkle of hope entering her eyes. There must've been a good reason behind this sudden and reckless behaviour (she, again, most likely inherited that from me,) but I didn't quite understand why she would suddenly have this death wish by wanting to face and kill the mad titan by herself.

"Personally," Tony started again, looking towards me now, his face in a bit of a smirk again, "I don't think Thanos will know what's hit him."

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