21 - New day, Same School.

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Liberty's P.O.V

It felt weird going back to classes the next day after everything that had happened the previous day. The school was obviously still partly made of rubble, but other than that, everything seemed pretty normal. Some classes were moved to different classrooms because of the rubble, which included my English class and the Maths class I had that day. Thank god that the attack hadn't hit the science block of the school building, that would've made the damage a hell of a lot worse with the gas and all that.

I met up with the boys as usual at lunchtime, but we were joint by that group of friends that I made when the boys were sick; Penny, Hunter, Max, Oliver and Astrid. We all seemed to get along just fine, they were in some of the same classes as Ned and Peter too, so that helped when starting conversations. Throughout my life, even before I was under the ice, I always found it harder to talk to/befriend girls, I seemed to get along better with people of the male gender, but I and Penny seemed to get along really well. We got talking as she sat next to me and we ate our lunch and it seemed we liked a lot of the same things. Penny was pretty, long darkish hair and deep brown eyes that seemed to be familiar to me. She liked music, she gave me a long list of music to listen to (she was shocked that I had never heard of any of them), and she was a fan of books, (I've always loved books, one of the only things in the world that hadn't really changed over the time I was under the ice) and the two of us spent some time discussing our mutual favourite books which included some of the classic fiction novels. Astrid and I had already become friends since she sat near me in my art class, her mousy brown hair and emerald green eyes that shone in the sunlight coming through the window. She struck me as what the kids of this time would call a 'teacher's pet' or 'goody-two-shoes' yet the small scar on her lower right cheek and the helix ear piercing maybe told a different story.

At the end of lunch, I walked with Peter, Ned, Hunter and Max to P.E. since we had that next, leaving Astrid, Penny and Oliver to go off to the classes they had. I got changed into my gym clothes; a Midtown sweatshirt, a Midtown gym shirt and a pair of black workout leggings that I had bought back when dad and I went clothes shopping when I first moved in with him. I came out of the changing room and walked with Peter and Ned down to where P.E. was being held.

As soon as we got down to the hall and sit down, ready to listen to the coach, there is a TV on a trolley facing us. Coach switches it on to reveal a man dressed as Captain America, my father. I try not to visibly recoil in horror and embarrassment, Peter turns to me and says quietly

"Hey look, it's your dad," and then I almost slapped him,

"Peter, you could've blown our cover!" I whisper shouted in his direction as the man onscreen carried on talking about the importance of physical fitness.

"Sorry, I just-"

"Hey, guys, what we talking about?" Ned leant in and whispered, causing me and Peter to look at each other.

"Nothing," Peter and I said in unison, looking back at each other and laughing. God, our lives were crazy.

After P.E. we had a few more classes and then we were completely done for the school day, which was delightful. Peter and I had science together second to last, and at the end of the lesson, as we were packing up, he pulled me aside to ask if we could meet out round the back of the school after school ended so that we could go to the library together to go and study. I nodded, agreeing to meet him where he said and we went our separate ways to our different final classes of the day.

Once I had managed to escape the school building at the end of the day, I walked round to where we had agreed to meet to see that Ned was already there, waiting. We said hey, started up a friendly conversation as we would do normally and it was all pretty casual until suddenly none other than Spiderman dropped in front of us from the school roof.

In unison, both me and Ned almost jumped out of our skins. He then started addressing both of us by our first names and reached for his mask to take it off. Both me and Ned jumped forward, shouting at him as to not reveal his identity to the other person, of which we then realised, through Peter's giggling from under the mask, that we both already knew who he was.

"Wait, you told her?!" Ned said in disbelief.

"Well, I didn't exactly tell her, she just sort of found out..."

"HOW?!" Ned looked between the two of us, clearly confused. Peter and I just looked at each other with that look that said 'well we've got ourselves in it deep now haven't we'.

"Erm... well, she sorta-"

"I lifted a pillar off him," I said, cutting Peter off. Ned just then looked at us in even more disbelief, as we tried to explain without blowing my cover too much.

"Wait..." Ned's voice shifted to a whisper, "Liberty's the girl that saved you yesterday?!"

We both nodded, Ned's eyes still widened in disbelief.

"That's. So. Cool!" Ned whisper exclaimed, making me and Peter laugh out of sheer relief. I looked over at Peter, trying to send him a message telepathically, trying to suggest maybe all three of us studying at my house later. He seemed to get the message as he looked back at me with a sceptical look, and yet he smiled.

"Ned," I started, "we were actually saying earlier that maybe we should study at my house again tonight, all three of us?"

Ned looked at us both as if we were truly acting quite suspicious before nodding and agreeing to come with us to a new studying location. Oh he had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into...

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