11 - Meeting The Avengers.

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Liberty's P.O.V

Dad didn't give me any warnings, any clues, anything that could've prepared me for that day. He just told me to get into the car and then we drove, a blindfold covering my eyes, for what felt like miles.

"Dad? Where are we going?" I asked, my mind whirling, and not just because I was trying to figure out what was happening. I could feel my Dad, Brooklyn's own Captain America, smirking, even with my blindfold on. I don't know what would be so secretive or surprising that I would have to be blindfolded in order to be taken there. I just sat there in silence, sifting through my mind as to any possible locations we could be going to as the car moved through the city of Brooklyn.

I felt the car stop about half an hour later, or maybe it wasn't quite that long, being in a blindfold had made me lose all concept of time. Dad helped me out of the car and we started up some stairs. As we started walking again on a flat surface I heard someone passing by us say hi to my dad and I felt one of his hands lift from my shoulder as he probably waved as we carried on walking down what felt like a long and large corridor.

Finally, we stopped moving and I felt us go up for some reason. Dad leant down and talked into my ear,

"We're in an elevator, it's a type of vertical transport that moves people between floors of a building," He said quietly, then he paused, realising how ridiculous he sounded. "Basically," he continued, "it's a 21st-century replacement for stairs,"

I laughed, both out of dad's humour and also the fact that I was in disbelief that he was telling me the truth.
There was a ding sound and I heard the 'whoosh' of mechanical doors opening and then we were moving forward, one step at a time.

As soon as we exited what I presumed was the 'elevator' I could hear voices, they mostly sounded like men.
"Captain! What took ya so long?!" I heard one voice say, I could feel their eyes staring at us. I gulped.

"S-Steve, who's that?" I then heard a vaguely familiar woman's voice ask.

It was then that I felt dad reach his hands to undo the blindfold that was tied behind my head. As the blindfold dropped, the light blinded my eyes before my eyes adjusted. Then I could see figures, five of them. A man who was shorter than the other men, but not much shorter, wearing a worn t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans. A larger man, very muscly, with long dirty blonde hair wearing lots of red. Then another man, about the same size as the first man, wearing a shirt, trousers and a pair of glasses. Then my eyes came upon two familiar faces.
"Natasha? Clint?" I said, surprised. They looked at each other, their faces softening slightly.
I almost ran forward and embraced the two of them in a hug each, I was wondering if I'd see my rescuers again.
"Wait? You know Nat and Clint?" I turned around the reply to my dad's comment.
"They sort of rescued me..." I replied after nodding my head.

"What are you doing here? Fury said that they'd found a living relative of yours and you were now living with hi-" Clint started before pausing as if coming to a realisation. "Wait, no, hang on a minute," Clint looked at Natasha, who had a similarly shocked look on her face, "Steve?" Natasha said finally. Dad just simply looked at her and smiled.
"She's mine," he replied, his smile even evident in his voice.
It was at that moment that all of their faces lit up almost immediately. All but one.

 I learnt that the man with the muscles was Thor, the Asgardian god of thunder, which I didn't quite understand. The man dressed in formal wear and glasses was Doctor Bruce Banner, of whom I recognised as soon as I learnt his name (we had been learning about his discoveries in science class and a professional photograph of him was stuck up on the wall of the science classroom at Midtown), then there was Natasha and Clint.

But there was someone else, another man, the smaller man dressed in the old t-shirt and tight jeans, who looked more hysterical than the others.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure that it's not April Fools Day, so whose idea was this one?" He laughed, everyone seemed to stare right at him. I had absolutely no idea who this man was, but his face somewhat looked familiar for some reason, and he clearly thought we were joking about something.

"Tony..." Dr Banner sighed, the rest of them looking at him with a certain look of sympathy. The man's eyes darted then from me then to dad and then back again. It seemed that his face began to change, a smile creeping onto his face and then a look of shock as he began to speak once more.

"Since when did you have time out of the ice to do that ?!" He almost gasped, but I could tell that he was 'fooling around' as Peter would say. Everyone laughed, Natasha and Clint just looked at each other. Dad's hand almost flew to the back of his neck. "It's... erm... it's kind of a long story," He said, looking at me as I laughed to myself. Yeah, yeah it was a long story. "We've got time," Dr Banner replied as they all waited for the answers they wanted, curious as to how their friend had managed to have a 'secret' child.

We explained how I was born before dad went under, and how I was also put into the ice when I was 14 when I was taken by who Natasha called 'HYDRA' agents and I was then found almost 60 years afterwards, just last year.

"Wait, so if you were born before your father turned into a capsicle," Tony laughed, "who's your mother?"

Dad seemed to have been waiting for this question and I could tell that it was a question that he had been dreading for some reason. I opened my mouth the answer the question, not thinking anything of it, but then my dad started speaking instead.

"Tony... her mother is Peggy," Steve replied, nervousness in his voice for some reason.

Tony then looked so shocked, speechless, and I was gathering that he wasn't very speechless very often. He gawked like that for a couple of minutes, then he came back to his seemed to come back to his senses enough to speak.

"Aunt-Aunt Peggy?" He revealed, which turned my head towards him quickly. What did he just call my mother?

"Liberty," Dad started, obviously having seen my very confused expression, "this is my friend, Tony, Tony Stark,"

Immediately I recognised the name, my mind flashing back to a man that my mother was friends with all through my childhood, or at least what I remembered of it. I took a breath and looked at Tony, and that's when I saw it.

"Stark?" I whispered to myself as our eyes met and I could see he was as surprised as I was.

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