16 - Attack On Midtown

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I was walking from Science to Maths with Peter when it happened, the loudest, most deafening crash coming from somewhere nearby. It stopped silent for a moment, the entire student body stood, awaiting anything else, trying to desperately decide what was going on. Then it happened again, closer it seemed, the noise was louder. It happened a third time and the wall down the hall was ripped away, this small man with a what looked to be a machine on his back, with big long metal arms that were strong enough to rip the brick wall to shreds. No one seemed to panic until the alarms began ringing, but then all chaos broke loose. Teachers were ushering the kids outside, just as they would in a fire drill, and all the students were running to the nearest exits. I'm the rush I had lost sight of Peter who had been there one second and gone the next. He's a smart boy, he'd find his way to safety. Everyone rushed to safety. Everyone apart from me.

I wasn't trying to be a hero, I wasn't trying to be brave, I just knew that someone had to stop this and hopefully I could do it.
"Come out, come out, where ever you are Spider-Man! I know you're in here somewhere!" The villain shouted, he sounded so patronising, yet I can imagine a lot of the bad guys were nowadays.
I knew that this wasn't my fight, but someone had to do something.

It was then that a flash of red, blue and black swing by, it was a relief to see the spider logo plastered across his back.
"Lookin' for me?" He said just loud enough that I could hear as I stood in the opening of the wall, watching as he swung by and kicked the evil man across the face, landing gracefully on his other side.

I stood and watched for a while as they fought, I had only seen the videos from Ned's phone, but watching this in person was so much... cooler?

The crashing carried on as the Spider-Man drew the villain backwards, pushing him into more of the schools gates and walls, knocking a few of them clean over. I tried to follow behind them, no reason for it, I just wanted to watch.
The Spider-Man had seemingly exhausted his opponent by the time they had reached the front of the school building. He was pushed against a wall, beyond the large stone pillars that stood before the main entrance to the school building. The villain looked tired, as if all of the life within him had been taken away. He was carelessly slumped against a cracked brick wall. The Spider-Man turned away, convinced he had defeated this opponent, when the villain began to speak again, quietly at first, but just lit enough to be heard by both the Spider-Man and myself.
"Try as you might Spider-Man, you will not always win," the small evil man laughed quietly and he brought his fist up to the height of his head and slammed in into the brick wall behind him. This cracked up the wall and onto the ceiling, snaking it's way to the stone pillars. A loud crumbling sound started as one of the pillars, the one nearest to the Spider-Man, began to fall away from its foundations.

Out of instinct, I shouted out to Spider-Man to watch out. He turns to look at me, his body language screaming in panic as he turned to see the pillar falling on top of him. The villain laughed manically and pressed a button on his suit tiredly before disappearing as if he'd never been there.

I ran forward to Spider-Man, the pillar had fallen on him, but he was managing to keep it lifted with his arms and back. I could tell he was struggling. His breath was sparse and his arms were shaking slightly. Thinking of my training and the gifts I was born with, I began to help him lift the pillar off himself, trying to move it to one side so that he could get out from underneath.

As I began to help lift, I could feel strength coursing through my veins, my blood pumping fast and my heart beating wildly in my chest. I heard the Spider-Man utter a 'what the-' as I took some of the weight off his shoulders quite literally. Then we lifted together, and he managed to get out from underneath the stone pillar as we dropped it to the floor where we hoped it wouldn't cause even more damage. I looked over at the school building, it was a complete wreck, only parts of the school were left, the evil man, who had suddenly somehow disappeared as if he had never been there, had managed to destroy most of the walls and a few of the corridors, a mixture of stone rubble, broken plaster and high school worksheets were scattered around every inch of the visible school grounds. The Spider-Man began to walk off for a minute, clearly trying to steady his breathing. It was then that he took off the mask, the skintight head cover that was part of his costume. His brown hair was all messy, stuck up in every direction from the sweat of the fight. I walked towards him, wanting to ask if he was okay, but there was something about him that I recognised.

I accidentally stood on a twig that had been knocked from a tree during the fight and it cracked underfoot, making the Spider-Man turn around slightly. It was then, and only then that I could see the outline of his face. I gasped.

It couldn't be, could it? I had so many questions flying through my mind. The voice, the sarcasm, the confidence was something I'd never heard from him before, yet something about it all had a familiarity about it, it all made sense now. I stepped forward again, waiting for him to properly notice me. I said the only thing I could think to say, one of the many questions that needed answering first before my kind exploded.

"P-Peter?" I stuttered, my eyes widening as he turned around.
"Liberty?!" He exclaimed, his face reflecting the emotion of pure panic.

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