6 - A New Home?

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Liberty's P.O.V

Soon enough, I was moving in with Steve and living with my real dad for the first time in my life.

He was quite a cool dad to say he was this super badass soldier man in the eyes of the public from way back in the 1940's and 50's up until now evidently. He introduced me to the new things that he had also discovered when being freed from the ice some years back. There was so much that I had missed whilst I was asleep; mobile phones, the World Wide Web, Star Wars!

Steve, um, dad, said he had recently moved into a two bedroom apartment and was going to be renting the room out, so I started to live with him.

It took us both a while to adjust; he'd never really shared his living space since he left home at 16 and I had only ever shared with my sister, mum and step-dad before, but it had evidently been a long time since then. We went shopping for a bed, dressers, a wardrobe, the basics. We wandered around the city, I needed some clothes since the only clothes that I seemingly owned where the ones that S.H.I.E.L.D had given me when they found me along with the clothes that I had on back in the Mouse Room. The city was some futuristic dream. Moving signs with colourful images, cars that were sleek and fast, people walking around on mobile phones chatting along the bustling paths. It was so different from what I had ever known. It's incredible what could change within 60 years.

Dad and I had a lot of 'fun' putting together the flat-packed furniture we had managed to purchase for my bedroom. He may be the super soldier, but he's not very good at assembling furniture! But then again, I wasn't much help at all. We ended up laughing, sat on the floor of what was going to be my bedroom and it felt like a million years since I had laughed that much.

Steve's P.O.V

We just sat there, surrounded by our failed attempts at construction, and I looked at her, my daughter, and I could see her mother, I could see the Peggy in her; the way her chocolate brown hair curled and the way her nose scrunched up when she laughed. Looking at her made me miss the way my best girl was, even if I now had Liberty. I hadn't laughed like this for a long time.

My eyes darted through the door and towards the kitchen countertop where I had put that piece of paper I had been given by that S.H.I.E.L.D agent days ago telling me of one of the major parts of me that were inside Liberty's DNA. I wanted to tell her, but I just didn't have the heart to tell her, I couldn't quite find the right moment. Secretly I think I was hoping that she would just find the paper on the side in the kitchen and read it so that I wouldn't have to tell her, but I knew, when it came down to it, I would have to say something about it to her.

After a couple of days of fully settling into life in this modern day, I got round to dropping hints and trying to find the right moment to tell her about how she is also sort of a ' super soldier' like me. We were sat on the sofa in the apartment, she was sat on a mobile device that I had gotten her, so that we could stay in touch when we weren't together, just in case, and I sat down next to her, clutching the paper for support. Sure, fighting aliens and superhumans is hard, but for some reason, I found this even more difficult.

"Liberty, can-can I talk to you for a second?" I asked, trying to not sound as nervous as I was feeling. Why on earth I felt nervous in the first place is a mystery to me, all I was doing was telling this girl, my daughter, about something that could change her life in a good way. I knew she wouldn't flip out at me or anything, I just understood how difficult adjusting to this life is, it was utterly confusing to me at first and hit me like a tonne of bricks, so I just hope this doesn't affect her too much.

"Yeah, sure," Liberty looked at me with the same colour eyes as me, strikingly blue like a summer's sky, "What's up?"

"Well, I was given this on the same day that we discovered how I'm your dad," I said, my voice sounding much more sturdy as I passed her the piece of paper. I didn't say anything else, I just watched as she read over the same information that I had looked over what felt like a million times.

"Wh-what?"Liberty said, her eyes growing wider with surprise.

"I-I thought that too, but it seems the serum's properties that were put inside me transferred into your DNA too," I said, my voice shaking slightly again.

"That-that's, um, great! I guess. It means I'm like you." Liberty replied, looking up at me. It struck me then that she was just a kid, 15 years old, and she now had to figure out not only who she was, but how she was going to cope with both the gifts and the curses that the serum came along with. It was going to be a challenge, but I was sure that if anyone could do it, Liberty could.

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