2 - A New World

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Liberty's P.O.V

Again, I must've blacked out or something because all I remember was escaping the building with the woman called Nat and the unnamed man and then suddenly I awoke In yet another darkish room in a strange place. But this time it was different, it was nicer, less dark and a lot cleaner than 'the Mouse Room' place. I awoke and automatically reached a hand to my wrist, the silver band was gone, only a deep red cut about the width of my thin wrist was left behind. God, how that was going to scar.

Suddenly the big metal doors started to open to reveal the red-haired lady and the man who had saved me last night. As soon as they saw me, a smile started to spread across their faces.

"You're awake," the man said as they approached, both of them sitting at the end of my bed.

"What happened? I think I blacked out," I replied, rubbing my head where it pounded.

"That doesn't matter now," The red-haired woman answered, placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm Natasha, that's Clint, we're S.H.I.E.L.D agents," Natasha explained slowly, gesturing at Clint who smiled.

"What's your name and age? If you tell us, we might be able to locate any parents and return you to them," Clint said, his eyes filling with kindness.

I thought for a minute then, had I had a name? I can't remember, it felt like a million years since I had contact with anyone who called me by a name. I thought back to my mother, she called me a name.

"Liberty, my name is Liberty," I answered, trying to sound as sure as I could about what I was saying, even if I had no clue if I had made all of that up or not. Images and words started flashing before my eyes. Maybe I did remember? " I-I'm 15 years old, M-my father is called Charles Baker." Clint and Natasha got up from my bed, telling me that someone, maybe them, maybe someone else, would be back soon to speak to me again, and then they left, leaving me in the silence.

Natasha's P.O.V

It saddened me to think she was the last one. I had become very familiar with situations like hers over time, especially in my youth, but that didn't matter right now, what mattered is that we got Liberty home safe. I couldn't lose another, not again.

I turned to Clint as we walked out of the room, he looked straight into my eyes and I could tell that we were suddenly thinking the exact same thought. The name 'Carter' sounded strangely familiar. We carried on walking down the corridor, Clint clutching his bow as he always seemed to, he looked really quite tense.

"You okay Barton?" I asked, elbowing him in the side playfully as we strode up to the control room and up to where Director Fury was stood. Clint nodded at me slightly before straightening up a bit as we met eyes with Fury.
"The girl's name is Liberty, her father's name is Baker, Charles Baker," Clint reported to the Director. Fury nodded, "we'll run a name recognition scan on all of our records, we'll find her family and return her as soon as we can." As fury finished his sentence, some of the other agents were frantically typing at their computers, searching for a life, a glimmer of hope for a little girl.

"For now, Barton, Romanoff, I need you both for another mission,"

I was quite surprised as well as, for some reason a bit heartbroken at this, I don't usually tend to get attached to missions like Liberty. "But Director c-"

"Liberty is in good hands, I'll make sure she's well taken care of. I'll-"

"Sir! We've found her father." One of the agents called out, all three of us rushed over.
"B-but this says that Mr Baker died almost 30 years ago. Liberty is only 15. How is that possible?"

"Sir, it says here that he had a stepdaughter, Liberty, born on July 4th 1943." Another agent sat on the computer next to us said.

But how could this be? Liberty should've been at least 70 years old according to this data which didn't match up with what they found.

Suddenly Director Fury broke the wall of confused silence amongst the three of us, "I'm sending in Rogers," he announced, walking towards his control panel at the front. "But Sir-" I tried to reason with him, but I knew it'd be no use,
"Natasha, he may finally have someone who he can talk to, and in turn, it may help her and us too."

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