7 - A New Life

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Liberty's P.O.V

It was sat eating the nicest 'takeaway' meal I had ever had with Dad that he brought up a new idea.

"Since your-we're all settled in by now, how'd ya like to go to school?" He asked. This had been the first time he had mentioned the idea of school.

I almost choked on my noodles.

I hadn't even though about education. I did attend school back before I was taken, Mum always insisted that Lizzie and I needed a good education, that we were both quite gifted and going to school would develop the gifts and it would help us.

"Um, I guess it'd be cool," I replied, which wasn't exactly a lie, maybe it would be cool, but there was still that glimmer of memory of what school had been like all those years ago.

"There's a school nearby, Midtown School Of Science And Technology, that's for kids your age," Dad said, handing me a brochure that he had clearly purposefully gotten in preparation, "I know a few parents who have kids that go there and they love it, maybe it'd be worth a look around?"

I didn't want to disappoint my dad, not after only just finding him, but from the brochure, the school looked really interesting, very different from the school I attended back before I was taken, but sometimes different is good.

"I'll have a look around, but I think Midtown looks great," I replied, putting a smile on my face which made dad smile too. This was a challenge, along with the whole 'hey-Liberty-by-the-way-you're-also-sort-of-super-human' thing, I'm sure I'd be fine.

Within the next few days, an open day was organised for me to look around Midtown High. I was dropped off by my dad and was then taken around by one of the teachers, sitting in on a few lessons and partly joining in with a few activities. The school was great, the teachers were quite friendly and the other students that I met on that day were okay, even if I did seem to locate the 'popular' kids during the first few moments. Hey, at least I now knew to completely and utterly avoid them at all costs! By the end of the day, I was completely sold on the idea of going to this school, whether it was to please dad or even to put his mind at rest, I liked it there and was actually looking forward to going there on a daily basis.

About a week passed by and it was my first day at Midtown School Of Science And Technology. There was no uniform at this school, unlike what I remembered of my old school, so I just wore some of the clothes that me and Dad had bought when I first moved in, hoping to dear God that I looked alright. We had bought all my school books and everything I needed for starting school which included some snazzy looking ballpoint pens which I had never seen before even though they existed before I was taken.

I tried my best to not look super nervous as I walked through the doors for the first time, I wanted to make a good first impression, I wanted today to go perfectly. dad had said to me that I needed to go to the school office to collect my timetable before heading to my first class or whatever they called it here. I was assigned a locker and put all my books and stuff into there so that I wouldn't have to carry it all around with me for the entire day.

As I finished organising my locker, shut it behind me and turned around I bumped into someone, accidentally knocking their drink all down their front. I apologised immediately and then looked at the person who I had inevitably made quite mad... it was one of the popular girls that I had scouted out on the open day. Oh dear.

"AGH! You absolute clutz! How dare you ruin my outfit, the coffee will totally stain this shirt!" the girl looked down at herself and then stared and glared at me, possibly imagining daggers shooting towards my skull. 

"I'm so SO sorry!" Liberty said, panicking as to how she could solve this situation. The girl looked straight towards her again when she spoke properly.

"Your accent, you're British?" She said, her voice still sounding incredibly harsh and annoyed.

"Well, English, but yes," Liberty replied.

"Ugh, that's the same thing stupid!" The popular girl scolded, leaving Liberty a bit speechless for a second. There was so much that Liberty still didn't quite understand about this new time, but of course, she couldn't tell anyone about it all, she was under strict orders from her father to keep her family and identity a secret as much as possible.

"Sorry I-"

"Stop babbling 'sorry, sorry, sorry' you're so stupid, I'll-" the girl mocked Liberty. Liberty could feel tears prickling in the back of her eyes, but she was determined to not show that this girl was getting to her, her mother had always lived by the philosophy that 'anyone else's opinion doesn't matter'. But then the girl was interrupted and her target changed from me to a boy who looked about my age, with messy dark hair and hazel eyes.

"Camilla, do you really have to be a bully to everyone?" He said placing himself strategically between me and this girl. "Like where on earth is the fun in making everyone's lives miserable?"

Camilla looked as if she was about to answer his question, opened her mouth and then shut it again before huffing and strutting away down the corridor growling as she entered the girl's toilets.

The boy smiled to himself before turning to me.

"You okay?" he asked looking at me kindly. For a minute there I got lost in his eyes before I brought back to reality by the school bell, signalling that we needed to go to homeroom.

"Yes, um, thank you for that," I replied, "I'm kind of new, would you be able to help me find my way to where I need to be?" He nodded and I showed him my timetable.

"Hey, we're in the same homeroom! You can walk with us!" he then said, gesturing to a boy about our age who was stood to one side who I assumed was his friend. I nodded and we started walking to homeroom.

"Dude! That was so cool of you! I wish I could stand up to Camilla like that, but she'd step on me or something..." his friend started, he talked as if what his friend just did for me was the bravest thing he had ever seen.

"It was nothing, Camilla needed to be knocked off her perch for once," The boy replied. "Ned, this is..." he said gesturing to me, he leaned in then and asked me what my name was since he didn't really ask earlier.

"Liberty, my name's Liberty,"

"Ned, this is Liberty. Liberty, this is my best friend Ned Leeds," the boy said, introducing me to his friend who waved kindly at me and smiled. "I'm sure we'll be good friends, especially now that all three of us have a mutual hatred for Camilla Woods" he laughed, Ned joined in and then so did I.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself too." The boy said,  I'm Peter, Peter Parker," 

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