36 - The Gang

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Liberty's P.O.V

I had explained my past what felt like a million times before, so you would've thought that I would have figured out how to word it all by now, but boy would you be wrong. Sat there with the friends who I had actually known for quite a while and trying to explain everything so it all made sense very quickly was even harder than me telling Peter and Ned put together. But I did suppose I enjoyed the fact that they weren't amazed by the whole 'oh my god your dad is Captain America, that's so cool, I wish my parents were superheroes' thing, since they already kind of understood that family demographic, so that was one less thing that I had to touch on in my explanation.

"So..." Penny started talking, filling the silence that had been filled in my own brain by my thoughts moving backwards and forwards at top speeds, I was glad someone else made the first word, I felt too nervous to do it myself.

So... what are the chances," Max carried on, making the group of us laugh slightly, making me feel a little less jittery and anxious, I guess it kind of helped that we all already knew each other mostly.

"I... erm... I guess you kind of want to know how and why and when and-" I stuttered, fiddling with my hands out of nerves, I hadn't really even noticed that I was doing it until Astrid, who was sat next to me at the time, put her hand over mine, the warmth from her fingertips was pleasant and it seemed to calm me right down.

"Let's just start with one of those, just taking it one step at a time," Astrid said caringly, smiling at me, the rest of the gang were looking at me, no longer staring, I felt better towards the thought of speaking about my past yet again.

I went through the same things as to what I told Ned and Peter that night that was almost three whole years ago. I told them about the ice, Nat and Clint saving me from the mouse room, and when I mentioned about my mother and my little sister Lizzie, Penny knew exactly who I was talking about,

"Great-aunt Peggy was your mom?!" Penny gasped, "And Aunt Elizabeth is your sister?!"

I nodded, it was nice that I'd found yet another person who had known the two of them whilst I wasn't here.

"Wait, your 'Great Aunt who was from England'... you were talking about mum?!" I gasped, all of the information sinking in.

From what Penny told me, both mum and Lizzie had been heavily involved with her when she was younger, whilst Tony was busy with work things and Avengers things.

I went on to explain about my 'trip' to England and how it wasn't really a trip at all, it was so that both me and dad could keep our cover of what family life was like, how we had both known that it wasn't going to be forever, just until the whole drama blew over like a short gust of wind.

The group of them just sat and listened, just as Peter and Ned had before. Once I was finished, we started hanging out as if all of what I had just said was now just a part of our friendships and I did genuinely feel so much better because we did do this, I hated being the centre of attention, even before I went under the ice, and Lizzie could vouch for me on that one.

We sat and had a joke around, laughing more than I remembered doing since before I moved to England for that two-year span of time since that night I spent with the boys before what happened on the news the morning after. Obviously, I did actually get even more questions about me and Peter, just as they had at school, but I did feel like I could talk to them about it, considering that they were also partly involved in the whole Avengers thing I imagined. I told them about how we were obviously friends for a whole beforehand and that he was one of the people who turned to ashes when Thanos did his grand snap. They thought that it was kind of cute how we didn't seem to really realise our feeling for each other until we were taken away from each other like that.

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