10 - Days at Midtown High

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Liberty's P.O.V
The week that followed was kind of mundane, according to Peter. Usually, Midtown was pretty boring, bits of things going off here and a bit of drama there, but there was always something happening. This week, however, the school was particularly dead.

It didn't exactly help that we had the most boring classes. Of course, we had the other classes in our timetable, the enjoyable ones, but it was always the boring classes that dragged on for the longest.

I was improving a lot quicker in my academics now, thanks to Peter and his intelligent brain, and it wasn't just improvement in Sciences either! I was getting better at Maths, and the two of us were helping eachother along in Woodwork, which was neither of our strong points.

Through that week I also happened upon some more friends; a girl called Penny from my Woodwork class, two boys called Hunter and Max from my P.E class, a girl named Astrid from my Art class who admired my work and I admired hers in turn, and then a boy from my science class who sits behind me called Oliver.

On one of the days when Peter was off on his Stark Internship (a concept or activity that I still didn't quite understand) and Ned was off ill from some sort of sickness bug, I ended up learning that these newfound friends of mine were actually all friends. I was approached by Astrid first, seeing me sitting at our usual table alone eating my lunch.

"Liberty!" She shouted from where her friends and she were all sat eating a few tables away. Astrid turned to her friends and then got up and floated over to where I was sat. "You know you can come and sit with us if you would like? You seem lonely over here..." I nodded and walked over to the table with her and ended up having a much better time hanging out with them than being sat alone feeling a little bit sorry for myself.

By the end of lunchtime, I had talked and laughed more than I think I had ever done. The group of friends were all so different and admirable in so many different ways but yet together they were the dream team. I knew I wanted to be around them again.

Once Peter was back from the Internship for a while and Ned was well again, the three of us started up with studying again. We ended up going to where he lived instead of hanging around in the school library after school. Peter pre-warned me about how he lived with his Aunt and how weird she could be sometimes, especially when it came to bringing new friends round (particularly girls of any sort.) I laughed and nodded, I understood... I think.

We walked through the front door of the apartment and Peter's Aunt was stood in the kitchen,

"I'm home, I've got friends!" Peter shouted from where the three of us were stood taking off our shoes and jackets.

"Hey!" Peter's Aunt called, "You guys hungry? All that learnin' must make you hungry!" She then called as we began to walk through to the kitchen.

"Sure," Peter replied for us all, walking up to his Aunt and kissing her lightly on the cheek. It was cute how much he adored his Aunt, but it was understandable, she was his last known living relative. I understood that love. Peter's Aunt saw Ned and said hi but then looked surprised to be me.

"Peter, who's this?" She asked, smiling at me, urging her nephew to introduce us.

"Oh, yeah, Aunt May, this is Liberty. Liberty, this is my Aunt May," Peter then said.

"Hi," I said, smiling sweetly at Aunt May.

"Hey, Liberty, how'd ya feel about cookies?" Peter then asked from his spot sat on the kitchen countertop searching through a cupboard for food like a scavenging racoon through rubbish.

"Cookies are great, especially the chocolate chip kind!" I replied, laughing lightly.

"British?" Aunt may then looked at me and questioned, I just simply nodded and smiled in reply.

Once May had quizzed is about our days at school and we had managed to scoff most of the cookies that May had just brought out of the oven, we got to studying.

Science was becoming easier and easier with every session that I did with Peter, and sometimes also with Ned. It seemed that doing all of this work with friends made it seem less like work and more like play. We laughed as we ploughed through worksheet after worksheet, homework after homework, until it was time for me to start heading home.

Peter did offer to walk me home and May offered to drive me, but I thought it would be best to keep dads location a secret, just in case. That was until Peter ran out after me and ended up walking me home anyway. It was cute of him to do that, since it was getting quite dark, I just had to make sure he didn't see my dad.

We walked to my dad's house- m-my house- and we talked and talked all the way there, the stars shining above us, the streetlights guiding our way. We said our farewells at the corner when my house was a few houses down. I had to be cautious, even around my friends.

I watched as he turned and walked away once I'd reached the front door. I got in and got ready for bed, I was so exhausted. I got in bed, the covers warm and cosy and I smiled, just laying there in the darkness of the night. It was refreshing to see that boys were still as caring and courteous as they used to be.

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