37 - 'Why you're all here,'

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Liberty's P.O.V

Dad shouted us all through to the other room, telling us that the food that we had prepared between the two of us was ready to be devoured. My stomach rumbled at even the thought of food. We walked through, Penny, Astrid, Oliver, Max and Hunter were all still pretty much shocked, their mouths still slightly open in disbelief. We all sat down at the table and ate, I could still feel their eyes on me as I munched on the delicious food that had actually been dads idea originally, since I hadn't had any idea about us having this little gathering until late yesterday evening.

Once we had all finished eating, it was dad and Uncle Tony that tried to speak first, the two of them interrupting each other.

"Kids," Uncle Tony began, catching all of our attentions immediately as he removed his aviator glasses from his face and placed them on the table by his plate, "you must be wondering why we brought you all here,"

We all looked at each other and nodded a little, we had thought that maybe it would've been so that we knew who each other were, but by the look on dads face, there was definitely something else.

"Well, the reason is that we want you to make a new team," dad piped up, still sat in his seat next to me. He began smiling at me, as if he was proud of something.

"A new team?" Oliver asked, looking towards his dad who was also smiling the same way as my dad was smiling at me. Now this was weird, they were all doing to same thing.

"Director Fury has asked us if you would form a new Avengers initiative, a new Avengers team," Uncle Tony continued, "led by Liberty and Penny,"

"What?!" Penny and said loudly in unison,

"Why us?" I asked, genuinely worried as to why the two of us had been chosen to be the leaders of this 'new team'.

"Because you're Liberty and Penny, daughters of Captain America and Iron Man!" Uncle Tony then answered, playfully punching his daughter on the shoulder, making her look up at him. I could genuinely see the family resemblance now, I didn't know why hadn't seen it before now, it was pretty obvious.

"Fury asked that you all start training together," dad started, "Peter included," he paused, "and the seven of you create a newer, more advanced team of young people,"

The group of us looked around at each other, all of our mouths turning up into smiles.

Well this was going to be fun.

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