4 - A Family.

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Liberty's P.O.V
Suddenly Steve walked out of the room, the door closing behind him, leaving me alone in the dull lighting of the overhead lamps, their harsh white light and advanced structures making me realise that what Steve said must be true, I must be in the future.

I sat back down on the bed, again trying to get head around the fact that I was taken and then suddenly missed out on, like, 60 years of my life. It was bonkers. Absolutely insane. My head was still spinning as if memories were somehow being withheld from me in my own brain. If only Mum was here, she'd be able to just make me feel better just like she did when I was little. Strands of memories were slowly sifting through, but it wasn't enough to believe that all of this wasn't just some weird, futuristic dream and I was going to wake up and be surrounded by everything that I used to have and everything would be just as it used to be.

Then, the door began to open once more, my eyes shot up to meet the familiar blue eyes of Steve, who seemed to be carrying what looked like a large, old shoebox filled with objects and paper.

"Here," He said, placing the box down on the bed in between the two of us , "It's a box of things from the past, Director Fury gave them to me when I first came out of the ice a few years back, he thought it might make me feel a little bit more at home at this time,"

I opened the box and a smile seemed to make its way onto my face. There was a rotary telephone, a battered baseball and a few old newspapers, the ink starting to yellow with age. I picked up one of the newspapers and read the headline

'Captain America To Recieve Medal Of Honour'

"Hey, I remember this newspaper," I said, a few memories flooding in, allowing me to rediscover who I once was. "Mum had the cutting of this front page on the fridge in our house!" I smiled, remembering my mothers smiling face every time she looked at the cuttings of the super soldier.

"Oh, she did?" Steve asked curiously,

"Yeah, she did! She used to tell me the stories of when she used to work with Captain America before he... ya know... crashed,"

"Liberty, what-what was your mother's name?" Steve asked, his smile fading ever so slightly.

"Her name was Margaret, Margaret Carter, but she liked to be called Peggy," I replied.

I heard Steve audibly gasp under his breath before he got up saying he'd be back in a second and running out of the room, leaving me with his box of objects.

Steve's P.O.V
She was Peggy's daughter, Peggy, my Peggy. I ran out of the room, my head spinning. I had to tell Fury, he needed to know about this. I raced down the main corridor that led to where both Fury and Commander Hill were stationed. My breath quickened, and not because I was tired from the running. What if- what if she was- no she couldn't be mine... could she?

I reached the main control panel where Fury was stood.

"Director Fury," I started, trying to catch my breath, "Peggy was her mother,"

Fury's eyes softened slightly, but his face remained as hard as it always was as he ordered for commander Hill to do some research into Margaret Carter on the database. Once I had caught my breath and calmed myself down, I began to speak again.

"Director, if she is the daughter of Peggy and the man who she knew as her father, could she be-"

"Possibly," Fury said quickly, looking at those researching into some of the oldest S.H.I.E.L.D files that were in existence. He turned to me. "Rogers, we'll find out as soon as possible for you and we-"

"Sir! We found something." one of the other agents shouted from a computer screen down below. I was one of the first people to rush to them, Director Fury hurrying behind me.

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