34 - Back To School

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Liberty's P.O.V

A week later, Peter and I had already started our official Avengers training, which basically entailed the team at S.H.I.E.L.D making sure that the two of us could keep up with all the tasks they threw at us. And, of course, we could definitely keep up. We began pairs combat training with Aunt Nat, which was almost exactly the same as the training she had been giving me before all of this crazy stuff happened, except now I had Peter to do partner work with, which was both a blessing and a curse at the same time.

We had fought alongside the Avengers a couple of times during the training period too, the media was all over the two mysterious new members of the Avengers team; the already well known Spiderman and Sparrow, the fully-fledged newcomer of the team. Whilst we were fighting, it turned out that Peter and I were a brilliant team throughout combat, which probably had something to do with us training together almost every day. Once we had finished fighting in our section of the city, Peter instinctively turned and kissed me, holding me close to his chest, which did calm the adrenaline that was pumping harshly through my veins. It also seemed that the media that had been stalking us had captured this on camera, plastering it all over every tv screen around the city and maybe around the country as well.

It still felt a bit bizarre that I had Peter, especially as a boyfriend. Before now, I hadn't actually ever had a real relationship before, or any relationship for that matter. Lizzie had been the one of us two who had been interested in the whole boys and makeup and nice clothes, whereas I, on the other hand, had always been more interested in my studies and in the fictional worlds that mother and father brought home for me to leaf through their pages and soak up all of the delicious words into my young and impressionable mind. I'd always believed myself to be too busy for all that stuff, all of the stuff that was considered 'normal' for girls of my age and social class. In addition to this, I wasn't too good at making friends either, Arthur had been the only friend I had managed to keep up with because he was interested in the same stuff as me; books and school, and even though people would always say that the two of us would eventually fall in love and get married as childhood sweethearts, we never played into that stereotype. But I guess I did eventually fall into that Stereotype here, now, with Peter.

That very same week, Midtown High reopened for the first time since the unexplained (to all of the civilians) disappearance of half the worlds population. And even though Director Fury had said to us that we didn't have to go back if we didn't want to, the two of us insisted. If we were going to live life as an Avenger, we still needed the 'undercover-alternate-identity' part of the job, plus it meant that we wouldn't leave Ned to graduate high school alone. So both me and Peter went back to school at the same time as every other student from around the city, trying our best to act like everything was completely normal. But we knew that nothing would be the same after all that had happened.

Walking through the school gates felt incredibly surreal, it had been almost 3 years since I had last set foot within the school grounds. Ever since that recording of my dad and Tony talking about me was broadcast live on every television across the country and I had been forced to go and live in England in order for all of this to blow over and be forgotten about, I hadn't even thought back to what would happen when I moved back. If I moved back. But yet, here I was, back at Midtown.

They'd managed to build the school back up again after the Spiderman battle that felt like it had been so very long ago. There was no longer a huge hole in the brickwork, and they had even managed to pick that pillar back up off the ground again, putting it back in its rightful position. I saw that Peter was looking at the pillar too, his caught me looking at him and smiled, intertwining his fingers with mine as we walked towards where Ned was stood by where the school buses picked up and dropped off the kids who lived a little further away than us. We began to walk inside.

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