32 - The New Avengers

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Peter's P.O.V

It felt like we kissed for hours, maybe days. When the two of us pulled away, there was a loud cheer behind where we were stood, intertwined.

"WHOOO!" Mr Stark cheered, followed by Black Widow and then another familiar voice. Both me and Liberty turned to look at who had just shouted, both of us more than a bit shocked.

"NED?!" Both Liberty and I exclaimed in unison, immediately looking towards each other, our cheeks turning red.

"I knew you two had a thing for each other!" Ned moved out through the crowd so that we could actually see him amongst the large crowd of people around us.

Shit. I forgot we were surrounded by all of these people.

"Ned, what are you doing here?!" Liberty asked Ned, her cheeks still slightly pink. God, she was cute when she was embarrassed.

"I asked him to come," Liberty's dad, Steve, replied for him. Crap, I forgot that Liberty was Captain America's daughter. Well crap, Parker, you've got yourself in something this time.

Liberty's P.O.V

"What?" I asked dad, I could feel my cheeks were still hot.

"I brought him here whilst you were resting and whilst Peter was talking to Tony when he first got here," Dad answered.

Then, suddenly, another voice came booming out from the other side of the warehouse, near where there were lots of wooden palettes piled up on top of each other.

"Miss Rogers," The voice said, a voice which I recognised as belonging to a certain eyepatch and trenchcoat wearing director who had helped me what felt like long ago. "Mr Parker," he then said, making Peter's ears prick up as he faced the same way as I was already facing.

I walked towards where he and Agent Hill were stood, higher up on the pile of the wooden palettes, Peter following not too far behind me. We stopped at the foot of the pile, in a space that was cleared of people, a large set of metal doors, much like the ones I entered through after I first woke up.

"Miss Rogers, Mr Parker," Fury started again, not breaking into a smile at any point whilst he spoke, "it has come to my attention and the attention of my team at S.H.I.E.L.D that you both have made incredible contributions to the saving of our earth," I looked over to where dad was stood, seeing that Uncle Tony had seemingly completely disappeared. I frowned at him and all dad did was wink back, leaving me with a suspicious feeling in my stomach. "Therefore, recognising you both and your contributions, we would like to honour you with the presentation of something special,"

Suddenly, the large set of metal doors opened up to reveal Uncle Tony and another person who I had been wanting to see ever since I moved back over here. Lizzie. The two of them walked up towards where me and Peter were stood side by side, the crowd parting to let them both through to us. Tony stopped in front of Peter, and I embraced Lizzie tighter than I ever thought I would.

"God," Lizzie said softly into my ear as my hands latched around her neck, "you've grown," I laughed at her comment as I unlatched myself from her and stood up staright again, Tony doing the same with Peter.

"Rogers, Parker, we thank you for protecting our earth and its inhabitants, and do you vow to help protect the earth again, if the time comes?" Director Fury announced, making the entire warehouse silent apart from the echo of his voice. As he said this, both Lizzie and Tony brought out something small and silver, a small pin badge bearing the S.H.I.E.L.D logo.

I had seen this pin badge design a million times before. I knew that Dad had one of his own, as so did the rest of the Avengers and-



"Y-yes, yes we do," Peter answered, his voice shaking, he had obviously just realised the same thing as I had, I could sense him getting both nervous and excited at the same time. I knew that this is what he had craved for so long. I nodded in response after Peter stopped speaking and Fury's eyes landed on me.

"Do you both vow to do everything in your power to ensure the safety of this city and it's civilians, including the lives of your teammates?" Fury asked,

"Yes," Peter and I chorused. As we did, Tony and Lizzie moved, taking hold of each of our articles of clothing and pushing the pin through the material until the crest of S.H.I.E.L.D was attached to us.

"Then, and I do genuinely take pleasure in saying this, I am pleased to announce Liberty Rogers and Peter Parker, our newest members of the Avengers Initiative," Fury announced, his voice echoing through the entire warehouse, a large and loud cheering sound echoing back our way as everyone began to clap and yell, smiles on their faces.

I looked over at Peter, who was smiling like a small child on Christmas morning. I hadn't noticed myself, but it seemed that so was I. I felt a hand reach for mine as I was pulled towards Peter and he kissed me again, my hand reaching up to his cheek as I kissed him back, Tony cheering us on again made us break apart because of the two of us laughing.

"Liberty, who-who is this?!" My sister questioned, for some reason, I could see a spark of pride filling her eyes.

"Peter, this is my little sister Elizabeth Carter, but I call her Lizzie. Lizzie, this is Peter Parker, my... erm... my..." I introduced them but didn't quite know how to explain to Liberty about everything that had just flown by so fast, but thankfully Peter was there to save the day, as per usual.

"Boyfriend," He added, "I'm her boyfriend," my eyes met Peters and I kissed him on the cheek in approval. Lizzie was smiling at him, she seemed to have no issues with him, even though she had only just met him, yet I knew that there would be no reason for her to have any issues with him. To me, he was perfect. I pulled away from his cheek and then I fully became aware that I was smiling. I was smiling the widest smile I had smiled in what felt like years, but it worked because I was the happiest I have been in a long time.

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