Anyone can be a true friend

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"Does it really matter what your background is? You are still a person. Don't let others put you down because you're different" ~Rose4eva789


Seraphina was a young girl who was born into one of the most richest families in Ravensdale. Her father was a businessman and her mother was a nurse. They lived in a 3 story mansion with 2 maids and a beautiful back garden, bursting with the colours of roses, daffodils, buttercups, chrysanthemums, and many other beautiful blooms.

She was an only child with a whole princess-style room to herself: fuchsia and white walls, a 4-poster bed with flower-patterned drapes, a dressing table, a huge wardrobe filled with her dresses, shirts, skirts, socks and shoes, and cardigans for the cold weathers in the winter. One would think her life was the best possible life there could be and that she was the happiest girl in the world.


Her parents are always working so she was always alone in the house with only her 2 maids, Katrina and Aira. All she had ever wanted was a friend, someone she could share secrets with, someone who actually cared. She has never had a friend as all of her school classmates assume she is a snobby spoilt brat like most kids from rich families (Author: This is only an assumption to engage my lovely readers, not real. (Though I've seen a few videos of rich kids who are like this soooo....)).

That was until the new girl came.


Ellie is a new student at Raven High. She comes from a poor but able family who only recently moved into Ravensdale. Well, part of a family. Her father died when she was 2, and since her mother was miserable after, she never remarried and Ellie never had any siblings. Her mother had many jobs before deciding to live here with a new better-paid job to bring up her daughter.

Her teacher, Miss Evans, had introduced her to her classmates and told her to sit next to a blond-haired girl who was looking out of the window. That was the only seat left. Everyone felt sorry for her though Ellie didn't notice this straight away and she sat next to the girl looking forward to her first day at school.

Later during lunch break, Ellie saw the same girl sitting alone, upset. Ellie was told by her peers that the girl was called Seraphina and that she was one of those rich snobby girls who only cared about themselves. So, she was surprised to see her alone as she had thought anyone would try to be friends with someone from a rich family. They could be spoilt as much as them too, who wouldn't love that?
She paid for her dinner and went to sit with her.
"Hi Seraphina," she said.
"Go away," Seraphina replied, sulking.
Wow, Ellie thought, she really was moody as some of the people had also told her.
"What's wrong?" Ellie asked.
"Why would you care?" Seraphina shot back.
"Because you're upset and the only thing I've ever known is sadness but also how to care," Ellie replied.

Seraphina stopped for a moment then dried her tears. She ends up telling Ellie everything that happens to her every day: dirt would be kicked on her clothes, people would push her, all because she comes from a rich family. "I'm not even a 'snobby cow' like they say. I just want a friend who cares what I have to go through" Seraphina told Ellie, emphasising the 'snobby cow' bit with her fingers. She told Ellie about how life as a rich girl isn't as perfect as one would expect. Her parents are always out so she never sees them, and her maids follow her everywhere in case she gets hurt or can't do something on her own. "It's so annoying. They never just leave me alone!" Then Seraphina whispers her first secret to Ellie: "All I have ever wanted was a friend who would care how I feel, someone who I could go to when I feel like a rubbish tip, someone who would listen to me..." And a tear slipped out of her eye and down her cheek.

What happened after shocked her to her core. Ellie had hugged her whispering in her ear: "Well, you have one now," which made Seraphina cry even more until she had no more tears to give. She realised that a miracle happened to her, that fate had changed sides, and she would never forget this day for the rest of her life.


Ever since that day, the 2 of them have been best friends. They would visit each other's houses. Ellie's mother would sometimes visit and Seraphina's parents, whenever they were home, made them both feel welcome.

Friends can be anyone, whether they are from a rich or poor family, a different race or religion. None of that matters as long as they have the heart to care for others...

Random fun fact of the day: This story came to me when I was in my English class and we were practising one of the exam questions where we either had to write a story about 2 people with different backgrounds or describe a picture. (If you know me, you'll know which option I picked.)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. There will be plenty more stories to come, once the plot comes to me anyway. Until next time!

Lady rose out~🌹

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