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"Every scar shouldn't be a reminder of failure, but a reminder of how well you can survive." ~Rose4eva789


Tina was a simple teen girl with huge ambitions. However, she has faced many problems.

Ever since her mother died, her father became an alcoholic. She returns home from school to find her father lazing on the couch with a few empty bottles on the floor. There were times she came home during his drunk breakdowns and she'd be caught in some abuse.

For a while, her sisters would be there for her and they would hide together. This lasted until the eldest was killed by her own father and the other ran away in fear. Tina had refused to leave, she feared her father may harm other innocent people.

Every day there would be another scar. Every day at school people would ask about it. Some bullied her for it. She's heard all the insults: "pathetic," "worthless," etc. They're just words to her now. She doesn't feel much anymore, as if even her heart failed her and yet somehow she's still living. She would be bullied for that too.

People on the streets notice her as well. They know her as the girl who lives with her abusive father, the girl whose own sisters left her, the girl with the scars.
And yet, no one ever tried to help.


It was a gloomy day as usual. Tina was gathering up her school books and putting them away into her bag. Before she got to stand to leave, 2 guys showed up. Again? She looked up to meet their eyes and waited for their bullying attempts. The teacher had already left. Guess I was never meant to be able to get out of this.

The 1st guy, shorter than her but still had a pretty big ego, started it off. It started off with the usual "Another one?" while pointing at the new scar followed by calling her "weak," "ignorant," and "useless".

This finally turned to the 2nd taller one pulling her up by her hair and throwing her against the wall. All the remaining students gasped, not one tried to help.

They both began hitting and kicking her. A third decided to join in with a chair.
And the author isn't gonna go into detail (because she can't bring herself to) except to tell you that there was a lot of blood.

Soon everyone left. It was around 5 when Tina finally regained consciousness. How on earth am I not dead yet? She knew if she returned home at this time her father would definitely flip. Though even if she wanted to go home, she didn't have the energy to, and lost consciousness again.


There were sirens the next time she woke up. Her teacher had only just entered the classroom and screamed the second she saw Tina, attracting every other teacher nearby. One of them called the ambulance and another called the police.

It's about time I died... Tina thought. Unknowing to the other teachers, she was sitting on her table beside her dead body. Wow, she thought noticing all the scars on her body, when was the last time I looked in a mirror...I really did look messed up...

Fortunately, it was all over...
And she couldn't be happier...

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