'The bad guy'

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Another work from my school days, revised and edited. Enjoy~


Freedom! Finally out of that dark damp dump. It feels as if decades have dragged by since I last saw the golden glow of the sun in the bright blue sky. Doing crimes isn't worth this hassle but my boss controls me like a pet; refusing to complete his tasks is a death sentence to my family and I cannot allow that to happen. My little siblings are too young and naive for this dark dangerous world. 

I returned to my cramped apartment; it was too dangerous to live with my family after all, even if I did miss them terribly. The only thing that greeted me were the old assignments littered across the floor. I spent the next couple of hours filing them all away. In the eerie silence, I came to an abrupt halt when my fax machine printed out a new assignment: a picture of a man in his late 20s with a note underneath saying "3 pm, tomorrow, local park." I stare at the assignment unamused... of course, the boss gave me an assignment as soon as I was released from prison. I sigh, putting the sheet of paper down on the desk and heading to the kitchen to make myself something to eat before bed.


The next day, I was at the park on time as requested. No signs of the man I was expected to eliminate... would it be so wrong to enjoy the peace and quiet, if only for a moment? Birds twittered away, singing melodies as they flew freely in the sky. Flowers of many vibrant colours had bloomed this season, decorating the trees and bushes. Children could be heard laughing in the playground, and I wished, just for a moment, that I could've brought my own siblings here. But I couldn't, it was too dangerous.

It wasn't until 4 pm that the man I was commissioned to execute finally arrived on the scene. His jet-black hair hung over his face, his dark eyes had a hint of hunger for blood. Our eyes locked, but just as I was about to grab my gun, he whistled. A stream of officers rushed forth towards me. 

A set-up?! Impossible! Was it that man who sent me the 'assignment'? Was my apartment compromised? As these questions swirled like a tornado in my mind, I heard the man speak, "You must've been an idiot to not question the 'assignment' I sent. Thought you were smarter than that. No hard feelings though, this is what you get for killing my father." 

Oh... the last assignment I had before ending up in jail in the first place... Nothing could be done now though as I fought the stream of officers and, as soon as I could, made my escape. I pulled out my gun and fired bullets behind me, not caring where they went as long as it would distract the officers enough for me to get to safety.

I wished I could give up this stupid dangerous life. But I could not allow my family to die because of me. So no matter what happens, I will always be 'the bad guy.'

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