Writing Q&A

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A writing prompt that really got me thinking: Answer the questions as followed.


"Knowing a person is simply the 1st step in forming a bond between you and them, a form of trust, which should never be severed..." ~Rose4eva789


Do you always begin with a spark, or do you have to start pecking at the keys (or scrawling in a journal) for the ideas to take shape?

My stories simply pop into my head at the most random times and the next thing you know I'm frantically writing the idea down in my notebook that I carry with me everywhere before I end up forgetting it. I can tell you right now with the utmost honest truth that I have many story ideas waiting to be written and published and I've just not been able to until recently in my gap year. I'm looking forward to writing the next couple of stories on my list!

Do you write furiously or haltingly?

I do take my time when writing my stories. I never bother rushing and just allow the ideas to flow. Then I would edit, and re-edit until I'm satisfied with the final piece before publishing the story a chapter per couple of days.

What most excites or motivates you?

This may be a bit cheesy, but I guess it would be my love for writing. I can't even remember when I first began writing stories, only that I love it so much. My little sister and cousin who I am closest to are a loyal reader of mine, and so are a couple of my friends (Itzmadgamerz and RuthC111). They motivate me to keep writing.

What are your greatest sources of creative inspiration?

Like I said earlier, a lot of my story ideas are absolutely random. However, when I don't have a story in mind, my inspiration comes from music. I also gain inspiration from scenery, whether that is in real life or pictures. Other stories have also been a source of inspiration though I try not to use other stories to avoid being accused of plagiarism.

How does writer's block set in, and what do you do to get unstuck?

This might make me sound a bit self-centred, but I never really have had writer's block. I never allow myself to end up in this state. Instead, I plan out my story, exactly what I want to happen and when. Will the story be a short novella or a long novel? What genre is the main focus? How should the story play out to reach the best ending? Will the ending even be good or bad? These, as well as other questions, allow me to plan my story before I begin writing it. And I will write it right up until the end before I begin to edit it.

Does your process change depending on the genre of your piece?

Not at all. Ok, maybe a little. Some genres do require a bit more time to work out than others. For example, I can quite easily write a fantasy novel however, simply by not knowing enough about love and relationships, I wouldn't be able to write a romance novel without some research. So, yes, I guess, the genre does play a little role in my writing process but I wouldn't say it makes too much of a difference.

Who are your first readers?

One of my closest friends. You may remember her from my story 'Love and War,' Yes, it is @scarlet11567. She gave up Wattpad after a while though.
Now I have 2 other very loyal readers who I am pleased to call my online friends: @itzmadgamerz and @RuthC111. I'm going to be honest here and say that sometimes, online friends are far nicer than real-life ones...

How do you go about editing and revising?

Well, I usually begin writing on Microsoft Word to catch those odd bits of spelling and grammar.
Then it's really just about re-reading my story to myself and then to someone else, usually my sister or cousin when she is over, in order to pick out bits that don't make sense and either need to be changed or just removed completely.

Next, I check the word count for each chapter. Is it too short that my writing looks rushed, or too long that my reader will get bored? I try for around 1000 words, this makes a decent chapter for a story that is neither too long nor too short and usually keeps the readers hooked and wanting more. Though I do believe if you are trying to write a novel, the best word count to try for is between 2000-4000 words. Of course, no one can get to that word count easily. A lot of practice in writing is required to achieve that. I hope to do so one day.

I'll then make sure my descriptions are as detailed as I can make them. This is important, well I think so anyway, as it allows the reader to picture the scene in their mind and play out what is happening in the story.

How do you quiet that inner critic?

I'll be honest with you... after the redrafting and editing, I just let my readers critique the story! XD


Reading this prompt, I had a thought. Would anyone like a Q & A book? 

If I did make one then you could ask me absolutely anything you want, about myself, about my goals, etc. Does anyone want that or shall I just leave this as the only Q&A you'll ever see?

Let me know in the comments.

Lady Rose out ~ 🌹

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