Escape (pt 2 of Trapped)

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"Escape your fears and leave them far behind. Only then will you truly feel free"
This story is specially written for Itzmadgamerz and RuthC111 who had both requested this. So without further ado,
"Willow," Mia whimpered softly, "now what?"
"'s gonna be fine," I whispered back, rubbing her back to calm her down, though I truly had no clue how to get out of this.

On the other hand, Alexia was on her phone. How on earth is she calm and texting away when we are clearly in the middle of danger? And how can she see with such low brightness in the middle of the night?

The stranger thudded closer, "C'mon pretty little ladies. It's cute to play the waiting game but it's also really boring. I promise I won't hurt you if you come out. I just wanna be friends. And look, Danny does too!" His dog growls became louder, hinting that the only thing he wanted was dinner.

He may have been as close as being right in front of our hiding spots when we all heard police sirens.
"Well, f***," the stranger muttered as he turned, only to meet 5 police officers and a police helicopter overhead.

"Make it easier for yourself and just turn yourself in boy." One of the officers said.
"Who, me?" Said the stranger, "I'm only looking for the kids I-"
"You what? Babysit?" The officer said while the others laughed. "Yeah, you wouldn't believe how many times we've heard that crap."
The officers took the stranger's arms and handcuffed him before leading him away.

We didn't leave our spots until they had all left.
"Huh, well that was lucky..." I said, finally being able to stand up.
"That was no luck you idiot," Alexia stated, showing me her phone. She had messaged her uncle who was a police officer. No wonder the speaking one looked familiar.
"Well, all's well that end's well," Mia said, then whined, "Now can we pleeeaaase get out of here?
Alexia and I giggled at her before agreeing to go home. This was more than enough crazy for one day.

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