A History of Everything, Including You

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Prompt: Write a first-person story in which you cover from the beginning of time until now.


"Believe what you wish...as long as you are a good person, we won't have any problems.💜" ~Rose4eva789


First, there was a vast empty space. The only being was the Lord. Then He created everything.

The universe was made with many distinct galaxies. Then came the planets, the moons and the stars. Then came the creatures that would roam the lands, the seas and the skies. Learning and evolving over the years. The dinos and then the Ice Age, the Stone Age and then the Bronze Age, the Iron Age and then the Middle Ages, before finally reaching the Modern Era.

And now? Well, what can I say? 

Now we have people who can't get over their differences and just be happy that they are alive and well. Now we have schools that teach students that bullies are good and victims are ignored. Now we have to work like dogs just to live a decent life, just enough wealth to live in a small house with basic necessities. 

And those of poverty? They're just there. 

And those trapped in countries of war? Also forgotten.

Nope, no one cares anymore. It's all about the survival of the fittest after all...

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