Killed by a ghoul

5 3 14

Prompt: Grab the nearest book, Go to the seventh page, Count to the seventh word, Start a story with this word and complete your story in seven sentences.

Also, I'm fresh out of quotes again. Tbh, I think I'm gonna stop the quotes. I'm better at stories anyway lol.

Anyway, enjoy!


Carefully, I prodded down the stairs. I was sure I had heard something come into the house. It was pitch black so, naturally, I switched on the hallway lights. Nothing. Peeking into the kitchen and the living room, as well as the cupboard under the stairs and yet, still nothing. But just as I was about to return up the stairs, a dagger, shining silver and soiled with fresh blood, slit through my abdomen. Looking over my shoulder, I shrieked at the sight of the ghostly figure before passing out.


That's got to be the shortest story I've ever done! 😂

Hope you liked it anyway. The book I used was Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington. Definitely recommend. Anyway, see ya!

Lady Rose out~🌹

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