My Angel

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"Be an angel to those who need it most. Brighten their days when others won't" ~Rose4eva789


A 300m high building in the middle of NYC was lit like a beacon in the middle of the night. The view from the top was breathtaking. It was like looking down at a city illuminated by stars of many different colours.

A kid was sitting at the top of this building, gazing in awe at the landscape in front of him. This will be the last thing I see then...

Flynn had been bullied ever since starting school due to his unnatural hair colour and eyes. Both were a deep shade of red, and he had been named all sorts of names for them, always referring to blood.

He never understood why. His father used to tell him that colours could mean all sorts of things, red being power or passion. But to the kids at school, it was always blood, blood, blood.

He'd walk into a class one morning and get asked "Who was the victim this time?" Or maybe during PE, someone would say "Better keep away from you, someone might cough up blood."

Oh well, time to end this hateful loop. He stood up from where he sat and walked to the edge. He took the view in one last time before closing his eyes and stepping over.

He should've felt the wind as he was falling but he didn't. Instead, he ended up hitting the side of the building. Opening his eyes he realised he wasn't falling at all. Someone must've caught him.

"Have you lost your mind?!" He heard a voice from above him and saw the only person who ever cared for him, his only friend, Shun. Flynn was in shock. How did he find out? Flynn was sure he didn't mention a thing to anyone about what he had planned to do. And yet here was his saviour.

Shun began to pull him up back onto the rooftop before he asked, panting, "What on earth made you think that this would be your answer to your problem?"

Flynn simply looked to the ground, feeling ashamed to be getting told off by the only person he considered a friend.

He heard his friend sigh before coming towards him. Shun wrapped his arms around Flynn, hugging him and saying "You're not on your own, Flynn, not any more. You should know that by now."

Flynn felt teardrops, not his own, but his friend's. He realised that by going through with his plan, he may have given himself freedom from this life, but he would have brought a lot of grief to his only ally, the only family he had left.

"Don't you ever try this sh** again," he heard Shun mutter.
"I won't," Flynn replied, hugging his friend back.

The two friends stayed on the rooftop for a while before being found by the owners of the building. After a couple of hours of trying to calm the owners from believing they were gonna jump, they returned home, looking forward to tomorrow.

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