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"This world isn't forever. It gives things to make us happy, then takes them without a word...and we don't realise it's gone until it's too late."


A ship, a storm, immense waves, then black. That was all I could remember, all I could find at the back of my mind as to how I got here, a small island with sand all around and a few trees in the centre producing some edible fruits. Not a huge variety but still quite tasty.

Did I mention I was the only one here? Quite unusual, as I am only 11 years old and I managed to be stranded on an island that I don't believe is even on a map. Quite ironic too as if I am correct, I have found a new island and no one will ever know. By the time they do find this place, I'll probably be nothing but a pile of bones, dead due to starvation if the fruits run out. Blunt, but most likely true.

There is only the deep blue sea to keep me company. It stretches out for miles and shimmers like a jewel in the daylight. Its tumbling waves are almost like a melody. Amazing... something so beautiful has the potential to be so deadly.

I don't know where my family is or if they even survived. I can't even remember what they were like; my memories are so very faint. A ship, a storm, the waves, and black... that's all I remember.

The wind blows freely here, grazing my cheeks and rushing through my auburn-coloured hair. The wind is more free than I am: while the wind swirls through the air, I am stuck on an island, alone, with no means of escape. Hardly any fair, I thought to myself.

Sometimes, I get a glimpse of the marine animals in the ocean that surrounds me. Sea lions, dolphins, and occasionally a whale in the distance. They seem so carefree, as if nothing in this world could ever trouble them. How lucky, I thought, and sighed.

But one day, as I walked around the island's shore, I realised I was wrong. So very wrong. A sea turtle had washed up on the shore and was covered in seaweed. It was strangled by what looked like a mucky plastic bag. I hurried over to help it, but the bag had been twisted so much, either due to the currents or the turtle's struggles, that by the time I got to it, it had died. It had died, right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't help it.

I sank to the ground as tears rolled down my cheeks, blurring my vision. I still removed the bag, though I'm not sure why it mattered now. That was when I realised the was something in the bag. A small smashed frame with a picture of a family: a couple with 3 children. Looking closer, I realised one of them was me. The sight of it made me want to cry again: I get, by some miracle, a worn-out photo of my own family to treasure and yet I still cannot remember them.

I began to think, maybe they did die. Maybe this smashed frame, this torn photograph, and the dead turtle whose head is resting peacefully on my lap are all signs to tell me they are gone. Maybe my memories are so vague because there isn't anyone for me to remember, as they have all already met their death.

I smile. I believe my family are in a better place than this wretched world. The world that always seems to take things away from us like a thief in the night. At least I know their fate... and at least I know there is nothing left for me here but my death so that I may, once again, be with them.

Another story I once wrote for an English exam. Quite proud of this one actually.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and please leave a like / comment to tell me what you think.
Lady Rose out~🌹

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