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"I actually don't have a quote for this one..." ~Rose4eva789


The wind howled as a storm took over the land. Rain pelted down like an array of bullets sent from above and the roads were covered in puddles the size of miniature lakes, with the sea's tsunami-like splashes only making them even bigger.

Will was on the train home after his uni had closed for the Christmas holidays. Looks more like the monsoon I saw in Delhi when I was last on holiday! He thought to himself as he looked out the window. A lightning bolt has struck out at sea, like a vast rip in the dark and gloomy sky. He was travelling with his friend, Ethan. They have known each other since primary school. "Crazy weather, huh?" He said, watching the weather gradually worsening outside.

"True," Will stated, "It shouldn't be too bad though, right?" Boy, was he wrong! The next moment, a colossal wave as large as the old Titanic crashed onto the land, causing the train to topple over and the lights to go out. Everyone was screaming, kids were crying, and the next thing you know, something crushed the train along with everyone inside.


News reporter: Thousands of passengers, young and old, have been crushed during a train accident. No survivors have been found so far as the volunteer workers try to uncover the remains from under the rubble caused by a rockfall on the mountain ledge. Experts say that while the wave couldn't have been prevented, the passengers would've still been saved. This rockfall wouldn't have ever been able to occur if it wasn't for the high amounts of rain weakening the ledge. Families of the passengers are urged to stay at home until more information is received about the passengers' remains.

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