200 yrs later - A dystopian nightmare

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"For every story, there's a good ending, as well as a twisted dark ending. Only you can decide which route to take on your story." ~Rose4eva789

Part 2 of the 2-in-1 story. Think I scored a grade A or A* with this one lol (our teacher would mark the reading and writing sections separately, giving separate scores and grades, before giving the average of the two as our final grades). 
Anyway, enjoy~

Rotting debris littered the ground like a ripped veil covering what was once a beautiful town. Crying mothers, heartbroken fathers and dying children were found wherever you looked. It was as if a World War 3 had struck and fled without a happy ending.

No hope lingered in any of the people. No laughter of children running home from school. No means of light to brighten the lives of the remaining survivors. All had been lost.

Darkness had taken over and snatched away the light like an experienced thief in the night. The wind howled through the cracks and crevices in the walls that had somehow found the will to not fall.

The only sound left was silent tears. The only colour left was the rot and rust of the walls, broken gates, and even nature itself died with no lush greenery or blooms to be found. The only smell was the smoky air encasing the town and suffocating the only survivors left in an attempt to leave the place isolated and as desolate as a void.

Lonely children shuffled along the streets, clutching the only items they had survived with, as if terrified of them disappearing. Some had dolls with faded golden hair, some held dusty small blankets, all were in search of a family and home, though their eyes shimmer as if to say, "They're all gone."

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