Chapter Thirty

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Veronica's POV

"What Hotel we going to?" I asks once Liam and I get in the car.
"In the Kissimee hotel. I heard it's supposed to be a really good hotel. It has sound proof walls." Liam explains.
"Hey Niall, you ok?" I ask looking over at Niall.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Niall asked looking confused.
"I was just wondering because you seemed upset last night about something." I said as I move to sit by him.
"I just wanted to hang out with you and Liam. I just don't really want to be around the other lads all the time." Niall explained as he puts his head on the window.
"Niall, Liam and I were talking last night after you left, and we thought that we'd give a key to you and only you. If we gave one to the other guys and Simon a key, they'd always be there. With you, we don't really care." I explain as I put my head on his shoulder.
"I knew you were cheating on me with Niall." A teasing Liam says.
"Yeah, you know, he's a better cuddle buddy and is smaller in size." I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.
"I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut." Liam says laughing.
When we get to the hotel, I was surprised. The lobby was flawless. There was a huge pool, a mini store and a gym.
"I love it here." Harry says as he looks around some more.
"Hi welcome to Kissimee. How can I help you today?" A lady at the front desk asks.
"We have a room under Payne." Liam says when we get up there.
"Ah here you are sir. How many keys do you need?" She asks eyeing him.
"Three keys. And stop eyeing my husband." I say stepping in front of Liam.
She handed me the keys, and quickly looked away from Liam. After we got the keys, I quickly gave one to Niall, and gave the other one to Liam.
"Hey, is it ok if I hung out with you guys later?" Niall asks.
"Of course, why wouldn't you be able to?" Liam asks.
"Because you guys are married? And you guys wanted privacy." He says looking confused.
"Niall, we don't care if you wanted to hangout with us. Hell, you can room with us the last few days if you wanted." Liam says chuckling.
"I agree with Liam." I said smiling.
"Haha, ok. I'll see you guys later then." He says laughing while he went to get his other key.
After Liam and I got to our room, I go to look out the window. When I get to the window, I noticed that we have a window view of the pool.
"Everything ok Veronica? How come your looking out the window?" Liam asks walking into the bedroom with our luggage.
"I'm fine. I just wanted to see the view from here. I didn't know if we had a pool view or a view of across the street." I explain walking over to get my luggage.
"Didn't trust me huh?" Liam asks chuckling at my gasp.
"No, no, no. It's not that. It's just I was curious." I explain.
"I know love, I was only kidding." Liam says laughing while pulling me in for a hug.

Knock! Knock!

"Can you answer the door Liam? I wanna change and go in the pool." I ask looking over at him.
"Yeah. I'll be back." He calls jogging to the door.

Liam's POV

"Oh hey lads. Did you guys get settled in yet?" I ask them as they come in.
"Yeah. We were all debating on who should or shouldn't sleep in the same room with Uncle Simon." Harry explains.
"You do realize that two of you can come stay over here right? Oh, and that the couch is actually a futon right?" Veronica asks coming from the bedroom.
"I'll take the futon." Louis says looking at the others.
"And I'll stay in the bedroom with Harry and Niall if he decides to come stay here." Zayn says looking at Niall.
"Liam, would you guys mind if I stayed here with you? If not I'll stay in the room with Simon or whatever." Niall asks looking nervous.
"I don't mind as long as Veronica doesn't." I say looking over at Veronica .
"I don't mind. He can stay in the other bedroom, in the other bed by ours, or on the futon." She calls from the kitchen.
"Thanks. By the way, whys Veronica wearing a swimsuit?" Niall asks again.
"She wants to go down to the pool. They have this hot tub, a mini pool for little kids, and they have a mini bar that's open at night." I explain getting up.
"Can we come with you Veronica?" Louis asks walking to the kitchen.
"I don't care. As long as you guys don't be major idiots." She says laughing.

Niall's POV

The reason why I have a closer relationship with Veronica and Liam is because of a secret I overheard. When the boys and I were at her house with her and her family, I overheard her parents talking about her being adopted.


"I think we should tell her sometime soon though Lisa." Buddy explains.
"Yeah I know Buddy, but how can you tell your twenty-one year old daughter that she is Niall Horan's little sister?" Lisa asks.
When I heard that, I couldn't process what just happened. Or what I just heard. Veronica is my sister!?
When I went into the kitchen, they stopped talking and gave me a smile.
"Hey Niall. Why are you up so late?" Buddy asks.
"I just came to get a drink. I had trouble falling back to sleep." I explain.
"Oh ok." Both of them say.

End Of Flashback

"Hey Liam, can I talk to you?" I ask going into Liam's room.
"Yeah sure. What's up?" He asks grabbing his swim trunks.
"When we were at Veronica's parents place surprising her, on the last night I had trouble sleeping. So, I went to get a drink. Before I walked into the kitchen, I overheard Veronica's parents talking about Veronica being adopted." I say looking at the ground.
"Wait what? Is that why you've been trying to get close to Veronica?" Liam asks.
"Yeah. That's the reason. I don't want to ruin your honeymoon with what I said. I still need to talk to my mum." I explain.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Liam says as he pulls up his trunks.

Later That Night

Still Niall's POV

"Hello this is Maura." A voice says over the phone.
"Hey mum. It's me." I say letting go of my smile.
"Hey Niall. How are you baby? How're the boys?" She asks.
"Everyone's doing well. I need to ask you a question though." I say.
"What would that be baby?" She asks sounding concerned.
"Is Veronica my sister? I mean, full blooded sister?" I ask.
"How did you find this out?" Mum asks sounding upset.
"When I was with Veronica's family. Her parents were talking about how they were gonna tell her that she was adopted and that I was her brother." I explained.
"I didn't ever want to tell you like this. When you, Greg, and your father were on a camping trip, I was out having some fun with some friends. I was walking home when a man came out and rapped me. When I told your father, he was devastated. We didn't have enough money to raise the three of you, so we put her up for adoption. When I saw her on tv, it tore me up inside. Then, after her and Liam announced that they were together, I was excited, yet scared that she'd hate me for it." Mum says crying on the other end.
"Don't cry mum. It's fine, I'll talk to her after the honeymoon is over. I think I'm gonna fly out to see you though. I miss ya." I say hoping to cheer her up.
"I love you to. I'll see you soon Niall. Bye." Mum says before hanging up.
"Bye mum."

Veronica's POV

When Niall was talking to his mum, I was listening in. When he said that he overheard my parents say that I was adopted and didn't know how to tell me, I was hurt. I wish that my parents would have told me sooner. When I get into Liam's and my room, I decided to call my mum.
"Hey Veronica. How's your honeymoon going?" Mum asks.
"It's going great. But, I overheard someone say that I was adopted." I explain.
"I didn't want you to find out like this baby. It doesn't make me love you any less. To your dad and I, your still our daughter." Mum says starting to tear up.
"I can't believe you. You guys lied to me my entire life. Where you guys EVER gonna tell me!" I yell beginning to cry.
"Baby, we were planning on telling you. It's just we didn't know when. When we found out that you were dating Liam, I was scared that you'd find the similarities between the two of you. Your dad wanted to tell you before the wedding, but I told him not to. Please forgive me?" Me mom asks beginning to cry.
I hung up on her. After I hung up on her, she tried calling me a few more times. After a few tries, she stopped.
"Hey Veronica, is everything ok?" Liam asks walking in.
"Liam. I have something that I have to tell you. It's about Niall and I." I explain.
"What's going on?" He asks sitting down beside me.
"Niall's my brother." I explain looking up at him.
"What are you talking about?" Liam asks looking confused.
"I was adopted Liam. Maura Horan, she's my birth mother."

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