Chaoter Sixty Two

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Veronica's POV

After Liam and I called Ruth and Nicola asking if they wanted to come with us to Jersey to see my family and to reveal a surprise, they were in.
Yesterday Liam and I went to the doctors and we found out that we were going to be expecting TWINS! I was beyond excited, and Liam? He was probably a little more excited then I was.
"Love, you almost ready to go? We have to meet everyone at the airport at eleven." Liam called from downstairs.
"I'm coming Liam. I had to grab the baby stuff that we're giving to our parents!" I yell from our closet.
"Ok. I'll meet you out in the car!" Liam yelled again.
"Yeah and I'll figure out a place to hide these myself." I say to myself.
After I grab the presents with the pacifiers and two sets of baby clothes each, along with a sonogram, I finally was ready to go. As I got to the bottom of the steps, I heard my phone go off. Grabbing it from my hoodie, I saw that it was from the same unknown number that texted me the other day.


Have fun in New Jersey love. Hate to see that it might be your last visit with your family for a while though. I can't wait for the drama to unfold right in front of you. Be careful how you approach things with Liam this week. Especially with your baby. See you soon love.

Before typing back, Liam honked the horn signaling me to hurry up. So, I slid my phone back into my pocket and went out the door.
"Everything ok love? You look pale." Liam says once I get into the car.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little nervous about how everyone's going to react." I lied.
"Me too love. But they're going to be excited. I have a feeling Carlos and your nan are going to definitely be excited." Liam says smiling as he pulled out of the driveway.
As much as I wanted to tell Liam about the texts I've been getting over the last few days, I didn't want to worry him. He had so much on his plate already with his music and everything else that this will just be more stress.

"Babe, did you hear me?" Liam asks tapping my knee.
"Hmm? Oh, no. What did you say?" I ask looking over at him.
"I said, did you have any ideas on what you'd want to name it if they're both boys, girls or one of each?" He asks.
"Oh, yeah I do. But I want to wait till we find out what we're having first to be sure." I said smiling.

Liam's POV

This is while he's waiting for Veronica

After getting out into the car waiting for Veronica, I got a text from the number that's been texting me.

From Unknown

Have fun in New Jersey love. Hate to see that it might be your last visit with Veronica's family for a while though. I can't wait for the drama to unfold right in front of you the two of you. Be careful how you approach things this week.

To Unknown
From Liam

Leave Veronica and her family out of this. What do any of them have to do with this?

From Unknown

Oh, but I can't leave Veronica out of this one. This secret is something that affects her just as much as it does with you. So if you don't want this to go to get released to the press, I'd be careful if I were you Liam.

After that, I had enough. So I just wait for Veronica. After about three minutes, I honked the horn. She then came outside. While I was looking at her, she seemed a bit paler then usual.
"Everything ok love? You look pale." I asked once she gets in.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little nervous about how everyone's going to react." She says.
"Me too love. But they're going to be excited. I have a feeling Carlos and your nan are going to definitely be excited." I say smiling as I pull out of the driveway.
As we were driving to the airport, we were listening to a few of our favorite songs from mine and the lads old albums. I then started asking her questions, but realized she wasn't paying attention.
"Babe, did you hear me?" I ask tapping on her knee.
"Hmm? Oh, no. What did you say?" She asks looking over at me.
"I said, did you have any ideas on what you'd want to name it if they're both boys, girls or one of each?" I ask.
"Oh, yeah I do. But I want to wait till we find out what we're having first to be sure." She said smiling.

At the airport

Once we get to the airport, Veronica and I put on our hoodies and sunglasses so we don't get recognized.
"Liam, can you hide these in the suitcases somewhere?" Veronica asks handing me the presents.
"Yeah sure. Has my mum or anyone texted you?" I ask.
"No. Not that I know of." She says looking at her phone.
After I put the presents in the bags, I hear honking. I turned around and I see my mum, dad and sisters parking beside us.

"Hey you two. How are you?" Nicola asks getting out first.
"We're good, what about you guys?" Veronica asks hugging her.
"We're good. Ruth and I were up all night because we were excited to go to America with you guys and to relax." Nicola says hugging me next.
"Well, not much longer till we're there. Let's get going. Don't want to miss our flight. We can catch more on the plane." Dad says.
As we were heading inside, I felt my phone go off in my pocket.

From Unknown

Such a beautiful little family. Such a shame that this happy family might be ashamed after the news comes out.

"Liam, everything ok?" My sister Ruth asks getting my attention.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just Louis texting me a picture of Freddie." I said showing her a picture that Louis sent me last night.
"Awe, he's getting so big." She says smiling at the picture.
"Do you guys have your passports?" Dad asks once we get inside the airport.
"Yeah. Veronica packed everything before I called you guys." I explained.
After we get to the waiting area for the plane, Veronica was looking down at her phone and typing every few minutes. Before I could say anything, they announced that our flight was ready to bored.
As we were taking our seats, I felt my phone vibrate once more. When I sat down by the window, I looked at my phone and saw that it was from the same person.

From Unknown

As you're in Jersey, this news is going to unravel. Hope that yours and Veronica's family don't get too upset. See you soon.

Before I could text back, the flight attendant comes walking over to me.
"Sir, can you please power off your phone please?" She asks.
"You don't look so good. Are you sure everything's ok?" Mum asks.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired is all." I explained.
"Why don't you get some rest after we take off. I'll make sure Vee knows your sleeping." She suggests.
"Ok. Just wake me up when we get there." I said as I dozed off. This was going to be a long flight.

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