Chapter one. (Courtney)

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   'Keep calm Court. I told myself as I fixed my makeup.  I'd been nervous all day,  as this was a very important job interview.  The Ravens want me. Courtney Lynn ,get it together now. I told myself again.  With one last look in my car mirror,  I got out and smoothed my black dress out.

       The restaurant was so nice.  The place was dimly lit , and I had a hard time getting to the hostess. "Hello ma'am, I'm here for Mr. Torres." I told the surprisingly pleasant young lady. "Of course, follow me.." She showed me to a table with three guys sitting around. The waitress smirked and walked away. She probably thinks I'm a hooker of some kind. I simply smiled at her.

       "Aww Ms. Taylor, you look beautiful." Mr.Torres stated as he held out my chair for me.

"Thank you, you gentlemen are very handsome, but please call me Courtney." I told them.

"Gorgeous, intelligent and sweet. Mario you need to hire her on the spot." One man said. I swear if I wasn't chocolate I would've been red. The men all laughed.

"Courtney, this is Mike, the head coach and George, the general manager. Sam couldn't make it."  I reached out to shake their hands, but I got pulled into a hug. 

"We are a family Courtney. Family is a very important part of my organization." Mr. Torres told me after I sat back down. He passed me a navy folder. I read over the contents and I was floored.

This is waaayyyyyy too much money for an assistant athletic trainer with basically no experience. I thought. Maybe it was a misprint. 120,000, free healthcare

"You've come very highly recommended Courtney, you'd add so much to this organization. We really want you here." George said as he watched my face.

         The waitress came with our food. It looked like heaven,smelled like angels tears and tasted like hallelujah.  "You have a daughter, right? " Mr. Torres asked.

"Yes, Hope is my baby girl." I pulled out my phone and showed them pictures of her.

"She's too adorable. How old is she ?" Mike asked.

"She just turned 3 last week." I beamed. Hope is my pride and joy.

"What does she do during the day ? Does her father watch her ?"

I turned my head down a little. Hope is my baby, her father was a douche who deserved to rot in hell. "We're not together." I said simply.

Mike choked on his water. "He passed you up ? Is he blind ?" I chuckled.

"Well, you can have Saturdays off when it's a home game, and Wednesdays off. Sam can deal with that. See you Monday ? ," Mr. Torres asked.

"Yes sir." I said as I gave him, Mike and George hugs. "Welcome to the family Courtney."

              As soon as I got home,  I kissed my baby in her forehead, kissed my best friend Orlean on her cheek and fell asleep. That night I dreamed about someone I haven't seen in the last four years. I dreamt about all the good times we've had, all of the love that was there. I got the best sleep as I reminisced about the only man that's ever had my heart.

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