Epilogue. (Courtney)

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{5 years later}

Today was Christian's hall of fame induction ceremony and I couldn't be more stressed. I rushed around the hotel room making sure all the kids were dressed, looked nice, and breaking up fights, while being 6 months pregnant.

"Mama, Anthony pushed me."

"Did not mommy, Andrew's lying."

"No I'm not a liar mama."

"Enough. Anthony did you push your brother? If you lie to me, I'll call your father." I told him, watching his big blue eyes get even bigger.

"It was a little push mommy. I didn't hurt him. Please don't tell daddy."

I sighed. Why'd they have to be so cute, yet so bad?


"I'm so sorry Andrew. I won't hurt you anymore."

"It's okay. You wanna watch spongeBob?"

That was one thing about my twin terrors. They'd be fighting one minute and best friends the next.  

I went to see if Hope and Hunter were ready, just to see them watching Paw Patrol, eating cereal in their clothes. Then I went to get Avery ready.

Avery was our 2 year old baby boy, and of course, he looked just like Chris. The same blue eyes, same dark hair, same everything. I quickly got him dressed, then my mom called to say she was downstairs.

  The limo ride to the stadium was quick, and fun.  Everyone was there, Our parents, Marco and Kaylin, Kevin , Orlean and their son KJ, and my crew.

We came in, took our seats waited for Christian's speech. I started dozing off, when the kids went crazy.

"Papa !! Mommy daddy's on the stage!" The twins said.

"Daddy daddy daddy!" Avery started bouncing around in my lap, Hunter and Hope were the most excited. Even the baby in my belly started kicking like crazy.  These kids loved Christian.

"Good evening everyone, and thank you guys for coming out." Chris started. 

"I would first like to thank Mr. Henry Stays for drafting me and giving me a chance to play the game I love. Mr. Torres, thank you for allowing me to join your team. To my teammates  and coaches in Miami and in Baltimore, thank you.

To my Mom and Stepdad, you guys raised  two amazing men, and you guys should be proud.  I love you.

Marco and Kev, the best brothers anyone could ask for. We got into a lot of things back in our day, but look at us now. Thank you guys.

To my babies, Hope, Hunter, Anthony, Andrew, Avery and now baby Aderson, you guys are the reason I never quit. You guys made every hit worth it. Everything that I did, every penny I've earned , was for you guys. I love you guys, don't ever forget that.

Finally, thank you Courtney Lynn Aderson. Without you, I really wouldn't be standing here today. People always say that behind every great man, there is a great woman, and Court you are that woman. You gave up on your career so that I could have mine, and I don't think that I thank you enough for that. You are the person that's always in my corner, my number one fan, my biggest supporter. You were the one pushing me to be not only a greater football player, but a better man. You stayed up with me, helping me learn the playbook and new systems in time for training camp while raising 5 kids, by yourself sometimes. I know I haven't been the best husband, or best friend to you, but you've never complained once, even when I know you didn't get any sleep the night before. I don't think you know how much I appreciate it darling.  Everything that I am, is because of you, Cara. Because of you, I'm up here today, and it's really you that deserves to be in the hall of fame. I love you Courtney Lynn.

Thank you, and have a great night everyone."

When Chris finished his speech, I was in tears. Christian never really talks about his feelings, so hearing him say those things was heartwarming.  The ceremony ended like five minutes later, and we went to find Christian. When I saw him, I waddled over to him, giving him the biggest hug and kiss ever.

"I'd do it all over again Chris. All of the sleepless nights, giving up a job, I'd do it again in a heartbeat for you." I said on his chest. 

He lifted up my chin and kissed my forehead. "You don't need to. You've always had my back Court, now it's time for me to have yours."

I smiled at him. "I love you Christian."

"I love you more Courtney."

Well that's the end guys. I just want to thank everyone for the views, votes and comments. I really appreciate it. 

Check out Secret Service, and I'm working on a new book, "Stealing Home."

-Much love, Abby

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