Chapter twenty eight. (Courtney)

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   It has been three months since the twins were born, and I loved them more each day. They were so cute, looking just like their daddy with their big blue eyes, dark hair and chubby bodies. The only difference between them was Anthony was tan, and Andrew was pale.

Hope settled in her new role as a big sister nicely. She was always in their room, 'reading' to them, kissing their face, anything. Hope even sleeps in their room, 'so they don't get lonely.' It was really cute.

  Me and Chris on the other hand,  we're always fighting.  Over literally anything. He was a good father, but right now,  not a good fiancee.  I know I start some of the arguments, however Chris is usually at fault.

   Chris came in, thankfully with Marco and Kevin, at 9:30 at night. At least I can actually sleep now.

He kissed the sleeping kids, and walked into his stupid ass man cave. Kevin and Marco gave me awkward greetings before following Chris.

  "Christian could you please do the dishes for me ?" I asked before walking  towards my bedroom.

"Why should I Courtney? You've been here all fucking day. Not like you're really doing anything anyway."

He's seriously lost his everlasting mind. We both came back in the living room. WW3 was about to start.

   "You've been here all fucking day and you can't even wash a fucking dish Courtney?"

"Maybe cause I've been doing shit all fucking day and I'm tired as shit. My fiancee was out with his fucking friends all day, and won't do shit when he comes home."

"You wanted to stay home Court,  don't put this on me."

"Correction,  you wanted me to stay home and pop out a billion kids."

"Well, you couldn't do either right."

" I'm sorry I'm such a bad mother and I couldn't carry your kids until I was 40 weeks, and I'm really sorry I even said yes."         

I threw the ring in his face and ran into my room.  He already shredded my dignity, I wasn't about to let him see me cry.


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